She won't be offended that I was praying for the her while making it, will she?
I doubt it very much.
We should probably hold ourselves back from shipping too much to Perkins (point!) so that -t does not have to get it all back to NO, or wherever they end up. I'm thinking the BayAreaistas can take her out to lunch one day and then Target or Bed Bath & Beyond, arm her with the little guns you use to register and make her pick out new stuff.
In our old (biggish, 1-bedroom) apartment, it would have been much easier to rearrange and make space, because it was just 2 really big rooms. In our current (small 2-bedroom) apartment, we've got more square footage, but the arrangement of rooms makes adding any more furniture completely impossible. We'd have to put the crib in the master bedroom closet. Or maybe knock down the wall in-between the bedroom and the living room (and find someone to get rid of the fake fireplace, which is a COMPLETE waste of 4-6 square feet). So it's just barely doable, but it'd be a lot MORE doable if we were willing to move to Bay Ridge.
But, you don't really need a full sized crib for awhile - you could use a bassinet.
t /baby enabling
Yeah, don't need to say it twice.
But, you don't really need a full sized crib for awhile - you could use a bassinet.
We didn't use ours regularly until O was 9 months old. He slept better in his bouncy seat than anywhere else (which is why I bought two of them).
But, you don't really need a full sized crib for awhile - you could use a bassinet.
Even that would be pushing it. It's a REALLY small bedroom. Do they make underbed storage bassinets? 'Cause we might have room for that...
(I don't know why I'm obsessing about this today, since I'm not even pregnant yet. It just seems like it can't POSSIBLY be September, and if the summer went by this fast, then so will next year, and before we know it we'll be planning a family for real and STILL have no money to move with.)
(I'm useless on the subject of furniture, but still squeeing internally at the thought of future moonbonebabies)
Heh. I have a family and still no money to move with.
Speaking of, our household is 2 days away from being larger by one. My sister is 14 hours outside of Denver!
So that will put the count at:
3 adults
1 baby
2 cats
1 dog
1 bedroom
I have paid my library fines! /good citizen
It's gorgeous out. We're going for a bike ride after a nap.