Traditional mousetraps are better. You know exactly where the dead mouse is once it's dead. My brother baits them with peanut butter, works like a charm. You just can't be squeamish (like me) about disposing of the wee corpse.
I recommend a husband. I know, I know, they come with baggage, and other things that some of you don't want. But at mouse corpse disposal, they're tops!
Most of the commercial traps work fine if they're baited with peanut butter. I agree with Sail; the problem with poison is they go off and die somewhere unfortunate, like under the refrigerator. I'm not too thrilled with dealing with tiny corpses either. It's much easier if you just do what I do, which is to throw away the trap too. My theory is that it's worth a couple of bucks to spend a minimum amount of time with the dear departed.
It was a wonderful thing when the boys were old enough to handle vermin corpse disposal. We had a baby possum in the pool once that B.Jr. got rid of for me. With 3 guys around now I am rapidly turning into a big girly girl.
Just don't get those sticky traps. Those are horrid.
Right now I am trying to convince myself that it's not so much "my" mouse as just...passing through. But I rather doubt that.
The mouse is probably pregnant and building a condo in your walls.
We've always had cats, but not mousers. Our last cat, Bogey actually brought a live mouse INSIDE from OUTSIDE. What kind of mouse gets caught by a declawed cat, I ask you?
I made DH catch it alive and walk three blocks to the park to set it free. I like the humane live traps, but that's just me.
See, at my parents' house, at one point, we tried regular traps, but the mice were too smart, and kept managing to get the peanut butter without setting off the trap...
I'd be calling NIMH, meara.
Heh. It was very tempting (EDIT: you do mean the National Inst. of Mental Health, right Cash? And not like, the Rats of NIMH?). Right now I think my brain is desperately trying to convince myself it must've been a hallucination. But I know it wasn't. WAAAAAAH!
Am trying to decide if I should go out--stupid DC hasn't stopped people from smoking in bars, yet, and I feel like I"m getting a bit of a cold, so I don't want to go hang out in a crowded bar where people are smoking and I"m talking too loud. OTOH, I don't especially want to stay home with "my" MOUSE!
(EDIT: you do mean the National Inst. of Mental Health, right Cash? And not like, the Rats of NIMH?).
Actually, the NIMH in both the book and movie about Mrs. Brisby and the Rats of NIMH is the National Inst. of Mental Health. The rats in the books were extra smart because they'd escaped from NIMH.
Mr. Brisby (Frisby in the book) and Mr. Ages also escaped from NIMH labs and were super smart because of all the testing--but they were the only two mice that made it out alive with the rats.
It's Saturday night and I'm obviously bored out of my mind. DH is watching the recorded football game and the boy is asleep. I think I should probably try to go to be early tonight.