Actually flat tax does not even make things less complicated. Deductions are what makes things complicated. And you can eliminate deductions in a gradudated system just fine.
There is a limit of course to eliminating deductions. Some peole have complicated finances, and their deductions will be complicated too. I mean if you run a business, in an income tax you pay taxes on profits which is revenue minus expenses. And both have to be listed and both have to be defined. No way a business or corporate income tax can be simple. Individual - probably could be made simple for most people. But not for most rich people; generally if you are rich you get your income from a lot if different sources - you finances are complicated so your taxes will be too.
Also at the end of the day, I would rather have the tax system fairer rather than simpler. Not the same thing - and the two are not always compatible.
On edit - reference to flat tax discussion up thread - no buried lead, just a reply to something said a while back.
Cindy, are you around by any chance?
That's right, Trevor -- her streak of not having sex in her current apartment continues unbroken...
Heh. Teppy, you have no idea how relieved I was to recently (finally!) break that streak for this apartment...
there are 2 deductions that I think are across the board good. Some percentage of education - because I think an educated population is a goodthing. Charitable deductions. and a third, houseing - not just morgage, but maybe if you had an account that was saving for a first home. though there is stupid stuff in owning a home. I really do spend more time and have more intrest in upkeep then I did when I was renting. and I was a really good tenent.
and I will not watch BSG unless DH says he is going to see it.
scatter shot thoughts
tonight's plans - mex food ( from tj's - I love their fresh tamales) too much tv, possibley too much wine, and a too late bed time. This will bother my cat
This is almost my night. Except I grabbed beer to go with the Mexican and the cat is happy because I let her eat some shredded cheese. It's newly found as kitty crack for the kittenish.v
I can't really explain my tax theories. I don't rationally think there is a way to make them simple or fair but a little simpler and a little fairer would be nice. Mostly I just hate that I make what I used to think was really good money and I am struggling.
but maybe if you had an account that was saving for a first home.
This would take care of one my major complaints.
Argh. I just had to go be cranky neighbor--my next door neighbor is throwing what looks like a very cool and successful party, but I feel like crap, and want to sleep. There's no way in hell I can sleep in my bedroom at the moment, as that's next to his living room, and the sheer number of people (it's a tiny apartment) talking and a little bit of music? Hell no. But my living room would be safe enough, except his guests keep spilling out into the hallway, and the doors are no thicker (sound-stopping-wise) than the walls. So i had to go over and ask them to get into the apartment.
Which made me feel old, lame, and kinda jealous that I"m not at/throwing a fun party. Cause it looked like fun. And adult-ish, not a raging kegger or anything. All the more reason to feel old. And pathetic. Sigh.
The evolution of the alphabet:
Urgh, I've been cranky neighbor and have hated it too. But sometimes a girl just needs her rest.
The evolution of the alphabet
It's not the poor who would be punished by the flat tax. In all likelihood, they would be paying almost nothing, since they already have most of their income exempted already, and no one could survive re-election either cutting the exemption or raising the "real tax rate" on the poor. So, in all likelihood, the deductible would rise -- most of the plans actually suggest doubling the current exemption.
What does that mean? Well, in order to counterbalance that exemption increase the flat tax rate would be higher than the current minimum tax rate. And that would mean the "real tax rate" on the middle class would rise.
So, the poor would actual be better off, but the middle class would be hammered hard. In fact, the higher exemption could make it an incentive to be lower class than middle class, since you're paying zero income tax.
The only advantage to the flat tax is that it would probably come with a simplified tax form... or would it? Those deductions are pretty well entrenched, so you'd still see the hundreds of loopholes. And, honestly, TurboTax has simplified tax filing to the point that you slam some numbers in and you're on your way. The simplified tax form is a red herring.
So, the flat tax is stupid, and it ain't gonna happen.
ETA: Oops. Too sleep-deprived to know the difference between "incentive" and "disincentive."