On a much more frivolous note, when will announcers learn that whenever you say that an athlete has yet to do some bad thing (say, fall on their triple loop, or, and Dave Niehaus, I'm looking RIGHT AT YOU, give up a homer on the road), they fall on the loop in that very program or give up a homer to THAT VERY BATTER?
I need an announcer to comment on my lack of sex life, then.
Damn skippy.
"So, Larry, how long *has* it been since Steph L. has gotten laid?"
"Well, Trevor, it's been a long, long, LONG damn time. A democrat may have been in the White House, in fact."
"We know for sure that she has yet to get laid in her current apartment."
"That's right, Trevor -- her streak of not having sex in her current apartment continues unbroken...."