tellyour supervisor that " i've been flirting with the idea of grad school. Still not really sure if I want to go - but I have decided to apply and take if fom there. - would you write a reccomendation for me"
Yeah, what I'm thinking I may do is tell her I'm thinking of it, and apply to a local place or two, telling her it would be a part time thing, and then say that just as a TINY chance, I'm also applying to (farfarawayschoolIreallywanttogoto).
I suddenly really want the chocolate bar that I left in the office (it's dark chocolate, with orange bits and almonds...sooo yummy)
So, ya know what's painful? Shutting your thumb in the hatchback of your minivan so hard that the damn thing latched
OWWW! Aimee, you poor thing.
So, Crush!Girl definitely likes me. As in, last night there were many smoochies and admitting of interest and cuddles and all manner of neat things that I very, very much like.
Awww. Sorry she's all hung up on the religion thing. But yay for all the else!!
We don't need to have a flirt with meara day, however, since every day is flirt with meara day. Even when she's not trying.
Heh. Somehow, people at the office do not believe this. I think it's because they see me every morning. When I am a big non-flirty grump. :)
I think the theory of the graduated tax and deduction is great. In theory. In practice, it means that I pay a hell of a lot of taxes and when I was married and we both had really good jobs, we couldn't save enough to buy a house. I am penalized on every single point.
I also think that in theory, there's a lot to be said for communism or a benovelent dictator. In theory.
Eh. I don't feel like getting into this on a Friday evening. Especially not one where I got home and found a pair of my panties on the lawn.
Yeah, that sounds like it could be a good story.
Especially not one where I got home and found a pair of my panties on the lawn.
Do you think it was escaping, or trying to get back in?
I asked the cats, they are mute on the point.
I am handwaving like mad thinking that they might have been stuck to the jeans I grabbed from the laundry this morning. Like mad.
In practice, it means that I pay a hell of a lot of taxes and when I was married and we both had really good jobs, we couldn't save enough to buy a house. I am penalized on every single point.
Any which way you cut it, taxes suck. I certainly wouldn't argue with that idea.
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.
But I certainly don't want to get into anything, especially with one of my favorite people when she's come home to find a pair of her panties on the lawn.
So yeah, taxes suck.
Do you think it was escaping, or trying to get back in?
Well it would be very unfair if the panties were running off and having a good time without her. OTOH, not flattering to think of them running off...(though I can't imagine why they'd run from HER! Unless they thought being pantiless might encourage getting was all in her best interests!)
Do you think it was escaping, or trying to get back in?
Fatigue green pattern with fuschia trim? There could be mad skillz... We do make U.S. Seals nearby.
Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.
I totally believe this and am more than willing to pay for it, but I wish it were fairer.
I think my panties are tired of my NGA status and are trying to get a little on their own.
Or the laundry thing.
waves hands really fast