I just got the neatest e-mail from my step-grandma. I had e-mailed her yesterday asking if I could use her as my subject for my senior honors thesis on oral history. She said she'd be honored and is amazed at how everything has worked out for this. People have been asking her for her life story for years now, and just in the last week 2 people have asked her to try to write it down. But, she has a very difficult time doing that. She said just yesterday that she was thinking that she wished she could *tell* it to someone. And she came home to my e-mail. Isn't that cool? I'm so excited! I'll probably go visit her for a couple weeks in January to do the recording part. Yay!
meara, I agree with beth. Tell your supervisor that you're flirting with the idea and want to apply to see if you even have a chance. Give lots of reassurance about all kinds of good stuff, and you should be good to go.
OMG I am so tired and dammit.
Last night- out with my friend B and my cousin L (Tom was able to make a pop in appearance, yay). Drank a couple beers, ate some yummy Indian food, went back to B's place to stay over (it wouldn't have been feasible to try to organize getting back home on the train) stayed up past midnight with B talking about how much her life sucks, then I tried to sleep on the most uncomfortable futon on the floor in the stuffy heat and OMG, if I got an hour of actual full on sleep I would be surprised.
I'd have called in and just gone home, but I have plans tonight with a friend, in town, that I really really really cannot blow off. Now I'm thinking it might not have been the craziest thing in the world to go home, get some sleep, and come back, and then go home again, but actually, that is pretty crazy.
OMG. Can't function.
t /crybaby
Coffee vibes to Nora
I woke up about an hour ago. finally admitted I'm awake. i don't want to be, I don't want to do anything ( certinly not turn on lights.) this is annoying.
Also, my craxydum cow-orker is having a WINGDING about something that is honestly not a big deal. Slamming shit around and muttering angrily and stuff. Sigh.
Harvey the cat is in the crook of my arm right now, drifting between purring and sleeping.
His tiny little head is draped over my shoulder, with one paw underneath to prop his chin.
So cute.
Too bad I have to go get changed for work and stuff..
Congratulations, Susan, on the finished draft!
meara, I'd have to know your work stituation a lot better before I could make a call on asking for a reference (but I hope the grad school stuff works out for you). If it was my manager I'd be able to ask him, but since we're all frantically and openly looking for new jobs in my office that's not a reliable yardstick.
{{Nora}} Sleep dep. sucks.
My parents found 3 (or possibly 5) puppies (described as "cute as hell") at the head of the driveway this morning.
Can't have, but want.
They'll find good homes, even if through the Humane Society, being that they are puppies. But still...want.
meara, maybe you could vaguely give the impression that you are looking to go back to school part time? Without lying?
And, Susan, yay you!
Oh my goodness. I've been fighting off the puppy urge for a while now. Which I really, really can't do. But I'm thinking about maybe signing up to foster now and then.