The shows on Discovery Health channel at 8:00, 9:00, and 10:00, respectively, are (I do not lie): "When Surgical Tools Get Left Behind," "You Swallowed What?," and "Electric Orgasm."
Wow. That's... Wow. Someone in their scheduling department is feeling that heady rush of exultation and emptiness that comes from knowing you have created a masterpiece for the ages that will forever secure your place in history, but your entire future career will be but a shadow of this one perfect moment.
Not TMC (showing Desk Set right now, yay!) or Discovery Health -- you could watch "You Swallowed What?"
Maybe they could feature Dubya on a new show, "When Total Tools Get Left Behind".
Is Dubya done yet? Because I don't want to be stuck in the slop on I-5 listening to him say "America is strong" and "9/11" any longer than I have to.
It was a great speech. Let's see if he actually does it.
Is Dubya done yet? Because I don't want to be stuck in the slop on I-5 listening to him say "America is strong" and "9/11" any longer than I have to.
He's done. And he only mentioned 9/11 once that I noticed, in the context of "Four years after 9/11, Americans expected a better response to an emergency than this."
It was a great speech. Let's see if he actually does it.
That's my feeling, too. Throughout most of it, my thougt was, "Good idea. How're you going to fund it?" Also, "Quit it with the 'entrepreneurship' thing," 'cause while that's good, it's not neccesarily what's needed right at this moment.
"Four years after 9/11, Americans expected a better response to an emergency than this."
Wow! He said something I can totally get behind.
Sorry. I'm just a bit bitter.
He's done.
OK. Then I'll be home in... soon.
I hate Seattle traffic. Sometimes it only takes me 10-15 to get home, 45-50 on other days. And it's only 6 miles....
You coulda listened to the baseball game. Surely they're not pre-empting the M's.
"Quit it with the 'entrepreneurship' thing," 'cause while that's good, it's not neccesarily what's needed right at this moment.
'Entreprenuership' is always Republican code for 'the private sector should do it, not the federal government.'
Nevermind that the private sector tends to not do anything but look out for its own bottom line.