Oh, honey. Even if you manage to fall asleep immediately each time, that's 5 hours a night. You'll burn out so fast, it won't be worth it.
Yes yes yes.
Remember the insanity of the newborn period? Sleep debt is *not* something you can negotiate with your body.
I know, but real cash debt is driving me slowly insane anyway. At least if I had a nervous breakdown, bills would be paid.
Suddenly this explains a LOT.
It really does.
Hey, can you resend me your address? I've got some stuff here that needs to go to you.
I know, but real cash debt is driving me slowly insane anyway. At least if I had a nervous breakdown, bills would be paid.
Can you find part-time weekend work instead?
What can you cut out? We were very broke last year and cancelled all subscriptions, including cable and magazines, stopped buying clothes or going out to dinner or anything that wasn't the basics. It wasn't as not-fun as it sounds, once we got used to it. We also had a big yard sale which netted us several hundred bucks and paid for Christmas presents and then sold anything not loved or used on Ebay, which got us another thousand bucks or so. We are still living very thriftily--no vacations, no fancy make-up or moisturizer for me (yeah, I miss the nice stuff when I hear folks going on about Lush), dinner only at under $10 places, but we have enough for TiVo, so that's nice.
This job might be weekends - I'm not sure yet. And mostly, other weekend work is mainly retail, which, I love and would work it in a heartbeat. But, I did something really stupid about 6 years ago and I don't think I'm "allowed" to work retail anymore.
What can you cut out? We were very broke last year and cancelled all subscriptions, including cable and magazines, stopped buying clothes or going out to dinner or anything that wasn't the basics. It wasn't as not-fun as it sounds, once we got used to it.
Wise, wise and wise. I kinda grew up like this too- in some way, you think of it as a challenge or a game or and adventure. (I look at it that way because that's how my parents got us through it)
ETA: man, I sound like a moron.
I currently work from 8:30-5. I could sleep from 6-10, work from 11-4, catch a nap from 5-6 and then start over and catch up on sleep and "time" on the weekends. I might also work 2 nights during the weekends. They are a 7 day a week operation.
Aimee, does this overnight job pay more than your current job? If so, could you work it instead--maybe even six days a week, and either take Em out of daycare or move her to part time (in order to allow you some downtime to sleep, and still save you some money). There might be other ways around this other than killing yourself. Or, could either you or Joe could get a second job on the weekends, when the other spouse is home?
Also, in less drastic measures have/can you set up a pre-tax childcare spending account through your or Joe's employer? I'm pretty sure you can set up an account that takes your daycare fees out of your pay pre-tax. You submit your bill to them, and they reimburse you out of that account. It's not a lot more money, but it's some more money.
sorry for the xpost on the weekend work. I posted before I saw your comments on working retail.
What can you cut out?
I'm working on getting the cigarettes out. That's huge $$ right there. We could get rid of cable and internet. We could get rid of the landline and only use the cell. But. That would only save us around $120/month.
It's actual debt. We don't go out - if we do it's budgeted. We've never been on a vacation. And it's killing me. It's just a bunch of little things.
Also, in less drastic measures have/can you set up a pre-tax childcare spending account through your or Joe's employer?
My company set this up while I was on maternity leave an no one contacted me about it. I would have done in a heartbeat if I had known.