Gud, it sounds like she's way defensive. So she must know that part of what's going on is on her, too. Gah. I feel so bad for you.
calm job-ma for askye.
vw, that sounds very good (and I like the edits). I think it's really nice that you are in such demand and have a choice in which job you take. That's got to be an ego boost.
Tasty beer is on the horizon. Sadly, not for many hours yet.
Not for many months for me. *sigh*
Susan, doing that right now, ainfg.
Gris, ditto.
Who says my life's not full?
Me, mostly.
That's got to be an ego boost.
Actually, it was fairly stressful, but now, afterwards, it's kind of an ego boost. Yeah.
I think the stress is you worrying about not making everyone happy. Just remember that it's most important that vw be happy in her job. They will find another person that's right for the other job. But you already know that.
Oh, Gud. I'm so sorry. It sounds so frustrating and disheartening. No advice, just bushels of punctuation.
Nora, wishing you a day of low stress and tasty beer that arrives ahead of schedule. And I think I'm possibly more behind the times than you; I got
American Idiot
last year, listened once and shrugged and set it aside, and just rediscovered it about three weeks ago. Then I listened to the whole thing six times in one day. What was wrong with my ears a year ago?
This is how my husband and my relationship started. We not-dated for about a year. So there's that, Gris.
I was just about to say, but Raq said it first. Hec and I were not-dating, and not-dating, and not-dating, and then we were dating but clearly, firmly, and definitively not in any way, shape or form actually Dating. And then we were engaged. So, Gris, there is indeed that.
excellent letter, vw, and I know the dilemma has been stressing you out and making you feel like crap, but congratulations anyway on having two different potential bosses recognize what a catch you are!
Also, calm-ma to askye and job-ma to everyone who's been interviewing, which seems to be a lot of Bitches lately.
Happy birthday Nora!
and TV news is wierd. they either talk something to death or just alf mention it. and why must they tell me the weather is icky? Just tell me there are low clouds everywhere , and nope it won't get warmer than the high 60's again. I don't need icky faces on top of that.
Many Happy Returns of the Day, Nora!
Okay. Boys? So very very confusing.
Went out to bar last night w/group of friends. Crush!Rejection!Boy was there. He was totally, totally friendly, to the point of being flirty -- clearly, obviously flirty; I *didn't* misread it -- and THEN, totally unsolicited by me, came over and rubbed my shoulders.
I refuse to believe that a 38-year-old man is unaware of the signals he's sending via his behavior. If he was attuned enough to pick up on the fact that I was interested in him, he's GOT to be aware of his own behavior.
He's either: (1) a man-ho; (2) a sociopath; (3) totally clueless; or (4) some option I haven't yet thought of.
He's not a sociopath. I don't think he's totally clueless. He may well be a man-ho.
Feh. Feh, I say.