Oh, Susan. I'm so sorry. I really feel for you. And your feelings are valid. A quick reminder: you are a good writer. I know this, because I have experienced it here, in your live journal, and with my own cover letters.
I really believe your time will come. In the meantime, can you try to look at this as a learning experience? I don't mean that in the sense that people normally mean it. But, can you look at it and watch the process this friend goes through and find things you would do the same/differently when it's your turn? Maybe if you can look at it partially that way it will ease some of the pain.
I have the day off today. Of course, that consists of laundry, homework, running errands, etc. But, at least I don't have to sit through any classes.
how did your class go last night, vw?
Mine went well- I was all class participation-y. Hopefully not to my detriment.
Nora! Happy Birthday to you!
Thank you!
Birthday's been quiet. Tom has a conference at work, so we had to get up a little early and walk to our respective rides- me to the train, and him to the bus taking him to the off-site meeting. I don't know if I'll see him again today- I'm meeting up with some friends after work and he may join us briefly, but perhaps not. It's likely I'll actually stay over at my friend's place tonight.
But he gave me Green Day's
American Idiot
for my birthday, and I love it so far.
(I know, I'm like over a year behind the times with that. It is my way.)
Happy birthday, Nora! Weirdly enough, I'm listening to Green Day right now ("Welcome to Paradise," though).
American Idiot
Off to work.
Happy Birthday, Nora! I hope you have a fabulous, low-stress day.
how did your class go last night, vw?
It went fine. Fortunately there was no pop quiz, so it didn't really matter that I hadn't done the reading. I need to get caught up, though, so I can speak intelligently on the issues.
This is an honors class, and I'm disappointed so far. The discussions are not as interesting as have been in some of my other honors classes. And, a lot of that has to do with the students in the class. The calliber (sp?) just isn't as high as it usually is. Oh, well. I'll get through it.
And I'm sure the class participation was not to your detriment. Glad it went well, though.
After my class, I ran into my favorite prof, who was also leaving, so we chatted all the way to Park Street, when he got off the T. It was nice and casual and whatnot. He's excited that things are going so well for me this semester, and he was thrilled about the job. It was kind of cute. He looked at me and said, "See, everything comes together." And he's very, very right.
Nora, I just bought that album a few weeks ago. So we're both behind the times.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Nora! With extra cake.
He looked at me and said, "See, everything comes together." And he's very, very right.
Probably one of the reasons he's your favorite professor. Sounds like a good guy.
Yay for good classes!
Happy Birthday, Nora! May you have all the nummy treats you wish.