For those who have seen me and know I am shaped like a potato, what should I wear to the serenity premiere thing? I have nothing pretty/flattering, and it's making me a little sick. The only thing i have that fits okay are a couple of business suits, and I'll feel foolish going in one. I can probably spring for a new top, but everything I've looked at looks matronly.
I'll take makeup/hairstyle tips, anything that can make me feel dressed up, knowing that I can't do so much with clothes.
Please, I'm begging for fashion/style advice on a budget of 53 cents.
High fructose corn syrup.
It's cheaper, here.
That was to Jars, not Allyson, obvo.
HFCS=high fructose corn syrup.
Lots of corn in the US. HFCS is cheap. The price of sugar is higher (kept so artificially, I believe).
Lots of people use sugar substitutes all the time, even for cereal. I did, when I was really overweight and doing
that could help me lose it. (Except stimulants.) The soda is my downfall, especially since the ones sweetened with aspartame taste like gross chemical soup to me. It's Splenda or sugar there, and now I guess it's just sugar. Which means less soda if I want to keep losing weight.
Why doesn't the universe give me choices I
Allyson, what did you wear the Wolfram & Hart shindig?
Plei, what about the Knudsen Spritzers? They don't have HFCS, I don't think. Those are mainly fruity, so maybe not up to your soda standards. Blue Sky makes a good root beer, I know, but I don't know what the difference between fructose corn sweetener and HFCS is, unless it's just a matter of sweetness.
or am I being overly helpful again?
Hopefully, the CAFTA treaty will bring the price of sugar down so that more companies will start using that in their products instead of HFCS.
HFCS=high fructose corn syrup.
What does it taste of?
Also, Allyson, are the business suit jackets the kind of thing you could wear with a pair of tightish three quarter length jeans and some spangly flats? And a spangly top under the jacket to match the shoes, maybe?
I wore a red with black polka dot silk swing skirt and a button down black blouse. I felt like a horse.
I don't know if it's better to have food porn for shops I can't get to, or cutie-pie pictures at sites that they don't want us to use at work (bandwidth issues).
I ended up not going with beer last night, but I did sleep, so that was nice.
The gel patch things for burns are great.
This was recommended by my mom too, but the only thing I found in the store said it was not to be used for burns. However, I found some nifty non-stick pads to go under the gauze, and they are my new best friends. Sticking=very bad.
I think I am Deena when it comes to
I was kind of hoping not to like it, as there are two other things of interest at the same time, and I will have a class at that time in a few weeks. Still, I'll already be taping that channel for
and I did like DB, and also the
computer programmer
chick. Overall, I liked it more than I expected but less than I hoped - not threadworthy, but worth trying another ep or two.