My mother actually puts things business end up. So I guess the fear of dirty hands has overcome her programming in this matter.
One of my co-workers just came in to tell me she might have to leave work -- a piano fell on her son's fingers. And now there are old cartoon clips playing in my head involving pianos falling on various characters.
I just go by the philosophy that nothing is as clean as I think it is so end up or down doesn't matter all that much.
I just got back from Whole Foods. Chi-Chi. Wow. But cool. And lots of expensive stuff. But they have unpasturized, imported cheese! Which I can't eat anymore--but they have it!
I'm going to need to go back when I'm unencumbered by the small one so I can browse at leisure.
Thanks for the encouragement and stuff today, guys. I really appreciate it.
I'm about to call about the Admin Assistant position, then call and probably accept the research assistant position. Should be an interesting afternoon.
I can honestly say I've never given this matter a moment's thought before today. I think I dry my silverware in the direction it happens to be in my hand when I put it in the rack.
One of my co-workers just came in to tell me she might have to leave work -- a piano fell on her son's fingers. And now there are old cartoon clips playing in my head involving pianos falling on various characters.
Don't feel bad. I once got hit in the hand with a sledgehammer and through the trip to the hospital (from the middle of nowhere), the x-rays, and for the next few weeks in a sling that was all *I* could think about too.
Cash, they also have the best price on organic rice milk, and some kick-ass house brand shampoos and conditioners.
Really, if you go there for basics and forget about the really nice and tempting stuff, the prices are not too shabby.
probably accept the research assistant position
Yay, vw!
eta: I only go to Whole Foods when I need to feed the relatives with celiac disease because their selection of rice flour goodies is well-defined. I let my nephew pick out his own treats.
Cash, they also have the best price on organic rice milk, and some kick-ass house brand shampoos and conditioners.
I LOVE their dairy section. I'm so wanting to scour the aisles now. I'm excited to go back on my own when I can explore.
Whole Foods' own 365 brand is really pretty reasonable. You just have to resist the desire to try the shiny new foods.
We don't have a Whole Foods here. We have a Fresh Market, which I think is very similiar. In a couple of pay checks I may have to go treat myself.