but... but, the bridge of the job that will get you into grad school and in your field is a more valuable one.
I really don't think you are burning a bridge. If you accepted the offer, and then reneged, then, yes. But, I don't think you have anything to feel guilty or shitty about. I know you *do*, but... in the big picture I don't think you need to.
Oh, SHIT. I am so NOT prepared for my 4pm class. Someone shoot me for just *now* looking at my syllabus!
That was just plain dumb. I thought I remembered from last week that it was a couple of chapters in the first book we were going to read. Nope. It's 54 pages from that book and 62 pages from a book I don't have with me. Go me!
Don't beat yourself up, vw. Its a small mishap, and it certainly doesn't change the fact that you'd be a wonderful student to have in any class.
So, this morning my husband and I once again rehashed an old disagreement. When placing silverware in the dishrack to dry after it has been washed (we do not have a dishwasher) do you put it in business end up or down?
do you put it in business end up or down?
Knives down, everything else up. I fear the stabby potential of the knives, but otherwise I think it dries better business end up.
Ple, insent.
Stop beating up the bug, vw.
If the lady needs that position, she'll fill it with another job applicant who will, as Robin notes, be greatly relieved that their job hunt is at an end.
This lady cannot possibly think she's the only person interviewing you. The idea that a smart, capable person such as yourself would have others interested in employing her can hardly come as a surprise.
You will have to turn one or the other of these down. When you call to talk to your contact, just be cordial, professional, and express the hope that you'll be able to work together in the future, but that the other opportunity is simply a better fit with your professional track.
She will understand that. I doubt it will be the first or the last time she hears it.
Your job is not to take care of her. Your job is to take care of YOU. And Toto. Emily and Not!Emily may get some attn there too, but still. You have to do what works best for YOU.
I lay them flat on the rack so no pointies at all, though if I did stand them up it would be business side down even if it were a spoon. I'm mega accident prone.
Fork tines are stabby too.
*shudders at the memory of the great impaling of aught-two...
My way is business end down. For the stabby reason and because when they are dry, and ready to be put away, I don't want someone else's mitts (even if they belong to my DH) all over the part I'll put in my mouth.
He says he thinks they dry better business end up -- they need to breathe he says.