Happy belated Birthday wishes to Trudy and Kara the RaptorGirl!
Happy Birthday to P-C and billytea!
Steph, when you get home tonight, put cold, damp tea bags on your closed eyes for about 15 minutes.
Guess who is working from home today? Thank goodness I have that option.
Oh man, Nora, that sounds like no fun. For anybody involved. I never know what to say in situations like that.
Okay, THAT is adorable.
It was amazingly adorable. I had no choice but to pick him up and squeeze and kiss him after that.
Steph, when you get home tonight, put cold, damp tea bags on your closed eyes for about 15 minutes.
All I have is hippie fruit tea (strictly speaking, they're herbal infusions, not tea) -- would that work?
Or, no -- I might have some Irish Breakfast that I bought for SA for when she visits. But I hate to waste that.
Or, no -- I might have some Irish Breakfast that I bought for SA for when she visits. But I hate to waste that.
Oh no, don't waste that. If you can, swing by a grocery store and buy a box of the cheapest black tea they have. It's not like you're going to taste it or anything.
Hey Erin! It's good to see you. Pay off those bills and get solvent and back online and grace us with your presence regularly.
Gud, you need to video Leif doing his lighthouse imitation.
Me. Yes, please. Cave.
No cave for you!
t /Greek diner owner
Oh man, Nora, that sounds like no fun. For anybody involved. I never know what to say in situations like that.
I'm trying to help her in finding a therapist. It sounds like she's ready to start that kind of work. I'm also trying to get her to stop beating herself up for everything, 'cause of the not productiveness of that. But, easier said than done, as I well know.
Raq, I always add "Now watch this drive" whenever I read your tag.
Me. Yes, please. Cave.
No cave for you!
You never let me have *anything* I want....
t pout
You never let me have *anything* I want....
No cave!
You can turtle-up until your sinuses feel better, though. But that's it!
You never let me have *anything* I want....
No cave!
You can turtle-up until your sinuses feel better, though. But that's it!