When I listened to the radio, it was pretty much NPR, but they started to suck a lot in recent years, so it's CDs in the car for me. It's the only way I ever remember to listen to anything.
At home, I don't actually listen to much music these days. I own a lot of music, but owning and using are not, it turns out, the same thing.
My public transportation commute to work is an hour each way, so I do a lot of iPoding. Often I connect my iPod to a set of computer speakers at work. So now I'm listening to a shitload of music.
I thought I had a lot of albums in college, but now I have about four times as much.
{{{Teppy}}} - but seriously, a guy who has never heard of Tim Drake is so obviously NOT the right guy.
And in other words -- Happy Birthday to Trudy and Cara in the last five minutes of their day (central time.)
My life is stresscore right now. Stress, only loud, hard, and fast.
I'm afraid my life will be stresscore tomorrow, my first day back from vacation. I'm been told there is a small mountain of stuff on my desk, and then there's the thrill of finding out what my boss f*cked up for me while I was gone.
I should probably go to bed.
Damn, Steph, I'm really sorry.
Happies to P-C!!!
Sorry to hear about the crushed crush, Steph. That shit hurts.
Happy Birthday P-C!!!
Teppy, if he'd been mean it would've maybe been easier, because you could just say he was an asshole. But as it is, things happen the way they are supposed to, and this one didn't happen because he is not The ONE for you.
I have sacrificed my beautiful Premiere cover of Winona Ryder
You need a scanner.
{{Teppy}} I'm sorry, sweetie.
JZ is currently decorating the video box for Jilli's collection of Goth videos that I have snagged for her out of the TiVo. I have sacrificed my beautiful Premiere cover of Winona Ryder
If it makes you feel better, this makes me very very happy. And considering it is now 1:50AM, and I have been sitting here crying for the past 15 minutes because I am so. damn. tired, yet not sleepy, and I've been suffering this particular style of insomnia for 4 days now and I just want it to STOP, and I've just gone all rantycakes when I was actually trying to say "Yay, Gothy videos and JZ-decorated boxes!"
Gaaah. I want to be able to fall asleep like I assume most of the population can. Easily, every night, without turning to pharmacuticals.