where do you need to go to get the meds, vw?
Just CVS. It can wait, and probably will at this point, 'cause I don't feel very safe with them around. But, I know they're there, and that is scary. I could change my mind and just go get them.
What do you need, vw?
I don't know. I'm shaking and crying and feel like shit.
so you don't want the meds.
I'm sorry. At the wrong end of the country to help, though.
I do want the meds...that's part of the problem. I'm ok. I'm breathing again. I just had a flash of some nastiness. I'm starting to calm down.
Did something trigger this? Do you want to talk about it? Do you still have my cellphone number if you want to talk?
l'd page my therapist, but she's in session right now and won't call me back for 1/2 hour. So, I came here first.
No. I don't know what triggered it. This has happened a couple of times, usually when I'm in high stress. I just go from doing fine to the total opposite in a matter of seconds.
did you just call my cell? I have like zero reception in my office. do you need my office number?
Conrad gives me a Bye-Bye, Birdie earworm.
Still not getting a poncey vibe off Alistair. Sure, it's very British. So is Annabel. They sound like sibling names without being cornily matchy. Alistair makes me think handsome Scot, maybe with a side of dashing WWII RAF pilot.