I sometimes feel so weird not wanting children- it makes so much sense to me not to have any, I am starting to feel like a total freak because I, ah, don't get it.
Nah, I get what you mean -- I'm normally down with not wanting 'em, and happy to join in name convos and the like without getting any ovary twinges, and then all of a sudden the "wait, everyone else on earth wants kids but me?" hits and I feel like a total dork who missed the hormonal memo. (The 5 kids in a year in my 16-person department doesn't help with this.)
I think ita is a excellent name! I like names that are different, but not so different they'll get you beat up in first grade. My own first name (which I changed when I was sixteen) got me a LOT of grief.
oops, my delete finger was too fast. I gotta stop that habit. I post and then have poster's remorse. I had originally posted:
I sometimes feel so weird not wanting children- it makes so much sense to me not to have any, I am starting to feel like a total freak because I, ah, don't get it. Not looking for comfort or argument, or anything, just all of a sudden... I feel so WEIRD. It comes and goes, it's an almost physical thing.
I feel the same way about Brad Pitt, French Provincal furniture, and hamsters
Crap. There go all my Christmas gift ideas for you.
My boss is, with no prior warning or word, doing interviews. Which freaks my shit right out cause once I helped find the person who replaced me, without knowing it. Now I like to know what position people are here for -- just to be sure it isn't my jop that they want.
So, I'm having a little panic attack... Flushed, heart flutters, the works.
Second person comes in, my boss is showing her around and goes to introduce me. She forgets my name. Completely. I handed her one of my cards and wacky hijinks ensued.
Also? Production artists are what we are looking for, specifically for a few BIG HUGE OMG annual projects that are going to start again soon. Whew.
"wait, everyone else on earth wants kids but me?" hits and I feel like a total dork who missed the hormonal memo.
I love my niece and nephew and very much wish they lived closer so I could be more a part of their lives.
Nora, I thought maybe you deleted it because you decided not to talk about it, but since it seems to be okay... you are so not alone. I've never wanted kids. Never had the urge, not a twinge. I often think there must be something wrong with me. My friends all tease me about my complete lack of a maternal instinct. I enjoy other people's kids (well, okay, not all of them) and watching them develop is a wonder, but I don't want any of my own. I think I'd be a horrible parent.
There go all my Christmas gift ideas for you.
You don't have to try so hard. I'm easily placated with cash, really. Thanks!
But Cash is going to have a baby soon and then there'd be a baby in your house.
"wait, everyone else on earth wants kids but me?" hits and I feel like a total dork who missed the hormonal memo.
Not everyone else, though I agree it can feel that way some times.