Now, I love The Secret Life Of. Jim O'Connor is my secret celebrity boyfriend. He's just such a dork in that show, it cracks me up.
Oooof. Nope - it's the dork thing that sets my teeth on edge. No publicity would be worth having him in my place, if I was in the biz. I have the same "dork" issue with Bobby Rivers.
Marc Summers, though, is like PlasticMan3000.
This, however is completely true. I'll grant you that at least O'Connor has a personality. I do have a hard time telling them apart until they start their respective schticks, though.
My father was the youngest of six. Their first and middle names were: Harmon Woodrow, Claude Oppolous, Willie Martha Mae, Myrtle Dew, Henry Zebedee and Barcey Butler. My father always insisted his parents were forced to give him a name when he was two - they called him "Baby" - and his father was reading a western about the Bar-C Ranch.
Ann Hazeltine
Outing myself as a sometimes lurker, Ann Haseltine was a big Baptist missionary, wife of Adoniram Judson. The camp I went to was named after them.
Hey, what's that wedding site that you can look up where someone is registered, if you don't know exactly where they are registered?
I totally knew you lurked here.
Ancestors . . . I've got a Zorababbel, a couple of Bethia's, lots of Johns and Edwards and boring stuff. But I've also got an honest-to-god pirate, so I beat all of you. Jan Jansen van Harleem, AKA Murat Reis, Governor of the Fortress of (something Arabic).
I'll toss in my great-great-grandfather Storm Z. And a great-grandmother whose last name was Hubbard.
Oh, and I totally knew you lurked here.
I'm the mad lurker what lurks at midday. (When I should be doing other things.)
Gabriel sounds nice, and I do like Gabriel Byrne.
However, during Emmett's tenure at the JCC there were roughly 93 Hundred Gabes, which I am not so fond of.
And you're also seeing other traditional E-names without the Em sound, like Eleanor
JZ has been pimping for Eleanor pretty hard. I checked the name thingie and it's not been popular for 60 years.
Oh, I love Alistair. I doubt I could ever talk Dylan into it
No, duh! This is the kind of name JZ is always trying to saddle our potential sprog with. I had to point out to her that she needs to let go of her tweedy Brit-boy love because a child named Alistair is going to get his ass kicked on the playground on a regular basis. It is an Invitation To Abuse name.