The only time I've seen Bobby Flay's show, he was doing a Rhode Island clambake. All of the food looked hella yummy, and I now have a yen to go to a clambake.
Oh, -t. I'm glad to see you are alive and well, and I'm so sorry about everything. {{{{-t}}}}
The only time I've seen Bobby Flay's show, he was doing a Rhode Island clambake. All of the food looked hella yummy, and I now have a yen to go to a clambake.
I did watch that one because of it being in RI. I am sure a clambake could be arranged if you would come visit. (hint, hint)
Oh, t, so very sorry. Take care of yourself.
There's just not enough punctuation in the world for you right now, -t.
{{{t}}} I'm so sorry for your loss.
My real name, on the other hand, was ranked 482 in 1973. Interestingly enough, this was about ten below Deena (hi!)
Hi! I had never met another Deena until I was in my early 20s. My mom says it was quite popular in the south when I was born.
Nora, I don't eat anything that's been around longer than 3 days. Your refrigeration rules may vary.
I'm with Deena on the three day rule.
-t, I'm so sorry. There just aren't words.
-t, my thoughts are with you and your family. I'm so sorry.
one of my brother's goals in life is to beat the crap out of Bobby Flay.
You've said this before, and I've always wondered -- is this due to bro's personal experience with him, or just the mega-jackassy public persona?
Just the mega-jackassy public persona. My bro knows where it's at, yo.
-t, I'm so sorry about your grandmother. {{{-t}}}