Enid would have to have risen above uncommon for it to be considered a comeback. It reached the 500s sometime early to mid 20th century, but that's as good as it got. It should combine forces with Ingrid.
I liked Annika as a name, but by the time we were considering it, we were pretty settled on Lillian.
I think Ingrid is a pretty name. Enid? Not so much.
I think Ingrid is a pretty name. Enid? Not so much.
My grandmothers are named Iva and Mildred. Can't seen either of those names making a comeback, either.
Olivia Rose would be such a lovely name. I totally approve. Not that you need my approval...
I am connected to the network at school. Of course, not through wireless, which I was hoping, but through the ethernet cable. Oh, well. As long as I can get a table with the connection pole next to it, I'll be fine. I get here early enough that that shouldn't usually be a problem.
Now to get some work done...
Ha! Work! What's that?
Is that what happens? Mothers and fathers think I don't know anyone with that name...and lo...kindergartens are full of independently named kids?
There was a chapter in Freakonomics on this.
[Olivia] was in the top ten for 2004.
Huh. Shows what I know. Is Violet making a comeback, too? I always thought that was a pretty, and underused, floral name.
I like the name Iva.
My grandmothers are named Iva and Mildred. Can't seen either of those names making a comeback, either.
Mine were Aileen and Edith. I think Edith (which shortens to Edie) is due for a comeback.
I like Ivy, sort of, but not so much Iva.
I think Edith (which shortens to Edie) is due for a comeback.
I love the name Edie. Edie Falco, Edie Sedgwick. It's a good name. Again, not so much with the Edith, though.
My grandmothers were Hulda Mae and Eda Marie. I don't expect to hear a lot of, "Hulda, get back here!" in the supermarket any time soon.
Grandma Eda's mother was named Henrika. She was quite put out that my parents didn't name me Henrika. <clings to the name "Heather Rae" and vows to never let it go>