I'll be glad when she finally gets through this so I can stop stressing about it (at which point I'll probably start stressing about her reading, since DH and I were both self-taught early readers--but at least I don't fret overly about her health and safety or other aspects of her development).
Well, it's good to have plans, anyway.
GREAT news, vw.
I remember Sean, my sister's firstborn, was mostly babbling for a very long time. That's when I developed my theory that babies learn their own language first, and then adapt to our language when it becomes clear that we're all too stupid to keep up with them.
Obviously, Annabel has a lot of faith in you and Dylan, Susan.
That's when I developed my theory that babies learn their own language first, and then adapt to our language when it becomes clear that we're all too stupid to keep up with them.
Occasionally you hear stories about identical twins who develope their own language that no one else can understand.
Annabel is actually saying words. She's just not saying them perfectly. That's beyond babble, Susan, and sounds fine for 17 month old.
Whoo hooo, Stephanie! That is just wonderful news.
Good news on the cash too, bug. What a sense of relief.
Dr.'s office called this morning. I've got an appointment on Saturday morning. It's step in the right direction.
Yay, Stephanie!
Welcome, Shambles!
(Oh me? Been around here for years, on-and-off. Such a Buffista-in-waiting you can't even imagine: ex-librarian; rabid Buffy, Angel, Firefly, LoTR, TDS fan; philosophy post-graduate; webmistress; sci-fi-writer-wannabe; grammar nerd from hell; prone to depression and anxiety but living and loving life; purple-haired eldergoth -- LJ lurker too, but hey Jilli; generally pretty fucking awesome but definitely one of life's spectators.)
This is like How To Make a Buffista.
Just swinging by, ruthlessly skipping 1200 posts en route to shower just because I
catch up, and don't want to be totally GreyGirl. My New School? Fabulous. Just
Crammed with North Americans too, but there's a decent smattering of Brits now. My job is great, with the whole being-in-lots-of-classes thing. The past few days I've been working with KG1 - I have no previous experience of working with the under-6 age range, and I found the prospect rather daunting (I mean, Jesus, they can't even
never mind write stories or discuss politics, or play times table challenge...hell, two of them didn't even know what their
are, and several of them have no English) but I have to admit that they're very sweet, and that I've thoroughly enjoyed myself with the 4-year-olds. Bless.
Yay, Fay! Glad that you're enjoying the new place.
Great news about Joe rotating out! Huzzah!
Welcome, Shambles. You've definitely got a Buffistish CV.
Very exciting news about the Cash baby.
YaY Stephanie!!!
And YaY for Buffista baby girl! Brendon wanted a girl so much. I was thinking he has going to snatch baby Emma last spring. He figured he could take Joe, but he was in fear of Aimee.