Steinman produced "This Corrosion" by the Sisters of Mercy. Which causes me to forgive him for a lot of other things.
In a rare bit of Baseball / Goth intersection, Billy Beane - the General Manager of the A's - has gone on record saying that it his life's ambition to put a baseball team on the field that is as great as "This Corrsion." He's a big music fan.
In other Meatloaf news, you all know that he played Eddie in RHPS, but did you know that Mr. Loaf was also the lead singer for Ted Nugent for a few key albums?
Frosted Flakes:
Hec, tell me again what that hair site you usually link to is? I need to get mine cut again, and I need to go (even) shorter.
What would Buffista women in need of haircuts do without Hec?
I think I just heard Hec smile from my side of the bay.
Ooh, that reminds me. I was going to call and make an appointment today.
Okay, how do we feel about this?
My face isn't this shape, though.
I don't know from Sisters of Mercy, but as overwrought as "I'd Do Anything for Love" is, and although it's likely in my top 10 or top 25 worst rock songs ever (would that be bottom?--whatever, you know what I mean), I think you're overlooking We Built this City on Rock and Roll,
No, I'm not.
IDAFL(BIWDT) is the worst rock song ever.
WBTC is the worst SONG IN THE HISTORY OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. Since humans first started evolving this thing called "culture," it is the worst. song. ever.
and Eye of the Tiger.
Oh, come on. That's a fun and stupid song, and playing it in a refugee camp is going to lift a couple of spirits, whereas playing WBTC in same camp would get you a one-way ticket to The Hague (offer not valid for American citizens).
In a rare bit of Baseball / Goth intersection, Billy Beane - the General Manager of the A's - has gone on record saying that it his life's ambition to put a baseball team on the field that is as great as "This Corrsion." He's a big music fan.
King Felix? Not a goth fan.
Why? I do not understand the hate for this song, because I quite enjoy it.
I need to get mine cut again, and I need to go (even) shorter.
Ahhh, sweet music. Most of my links are at work. However, I do have a quick selection that I nabbed and stored when Perkins was looking for reference pictures.
The Maggie O'Connell
Slightly longer crop (over the ears)
Less layers (technically a kind of cap cut)
High Fashion crop