One of my favorite comfort foods is Chef Boyardee Ravioli. Heated a tad too long in the microwave so some of the sauce sticks to the sides of the bowl. YUM! Very rare indulgence, however. Once every six months or so.
I feel guilty.
Ginger, if she were your sister, I'd say the guilt was necessary. A cousin-by-marriage? NSM. A few lunches, a gift card to Target and maybe a tour of the area and you're golden.
I didn't think Emmett could change so much from a year ago. Wow. The shaggy looks good on him.
One of my favorite comfort foods is
To be fair, I won't knock anyone's comfort food. I, personally, am all about cheese bits that are a little bit burnt and there was this thing I heard about glass houses and stones. Still, the chef has an odd smell to me.
One of my favorite comfort foods is Chef Boyardee Ravioli.
See, now, the ravioli is the only Boyardee product I can stand. I like it. I like it cold out of the can. I also like it heated up.
I think I like Chef because it was forbidden to me as a child.
I like it. I might love it. I wouldn't say I'm lost in love...
Huh, Cokie Roberts (who is a native) doesn't pronounce the "l" in New Orleans. Is that a particular thing of hers of some sort of upper crust accent?
Have I mentioned how sad I am that you moved home, billtea?
I'm all out of love. I'm so lost without you.
Well, you're only human.
Ah, yes - Jim Steinman. I hate him.
Tommy! How can you say that of the man who gave us "It's All Coming Back To Me Now"? And "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do You That)"! The two songs that stand at the pinnacle of ballads requiring a whiteboard and a laser pointer.
Emmett's whole face shape seems to have changed in the last year.
Of course, so has Paris's (he now looks like a blond and freckled version of his uncle Paul) so it could be that age.
Tommy! How can you say that of the man who gave us "It's All Coming Back To Me Now"? And "I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do You That)"!
Hmm. Those songs don't ring a bell. Mostly I hate him for
Streets of Fire
and that "Total Eclipse of the Heart" song. Plus maybe a few others that I've repressed?
Did he write "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights"? Dumb song, but I do love that one.
Did he write "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights"? Dumb song, but I do love that one.
Yup. Because if it ain't Steinman, it ain't overwrought melodrama.
I'm pretty sure Steinman wrote "Paradise...". If it's vastly overdone and full of teenagey angst and melodrama, chances are it's Steinman.
Paradise is the only one of his that I like. Well, okay, I might like Total Eclipse if someone else sang it.