So, fave Police album?
I gotta go with the first one (Outlandos d'Amour). Maybe for sentimental reasons. "Can't Stand Losing You" was my favorite song in high school.
Although I love the next two (Reggatta De Blanc and Zenyatta Mondatta) almost as much. And
Ghost In The Machine
almost as much as those.
I started college the year
came out, so my tastes changes a lot after that....
was the first non-kid album I ever owned. I wore that thing out. I'm amazed my Mother can hear those songs without running from the room screaming.
Regatta de Blanc,
(very much a sentimental favorite tied in with all sorts of high school memories) with
as a very, very close second and
solidly third.
My Police Heresy: I really don't much care for "Roxanne." It sits in my brain alongside the Beatles' "Strawberry Fields Forever" in the
I feel vaguely ashamed of not reverently loving the way I know I should, but it just sounds kind of dreary to me
Ghost in the Machine was the first album my older brother bought and I confiscated it right away! It remains a sentimental favorite. Although I haven't listened to any of them in years!
Yeah, "Roxanne" is pro'lly not in my top ten fave Police songs.
Although it was awesome when Eddy Murphey sang it in
48 Hours.
I loved
Soul Cages,
which was probably the first Sting I bought (and that tour was my first Sting concert) but my favorite Sting song ever is Fragile.
My Police Heresy: I really don't much care for "Roxanne."
I like the Moulin Rouge version and the Fall Out Boy cover. We used to play a drinking game to Roxanne that involved splitting into two teams; half drank on "Roxanne" and half on "Red light."
Outlandos d'Amour.
With a nod to
Ghost in the Machine
for the supremely bad French of "Hungry for You (J'aurais toujours faim de toi)".
I'm a little partial to Ghost in the Machine because that's the tour I saw them on. But the first album is so awesome, and Zenyatta has "Canary in a Coalmine" and "When the World is Running Down."