As always, thanks for the suggestions! I've got a lot to look into now.
Thanks Cor! I really want to use all the songs referenced in "Plus Ones" so that's very helpful.
Now I just have to come up with a play order. I'm really tempted to close the whole thing with "Rikki Don't Lose That Number."
Oh, if this wasn't mentioned here before, Elliot Smith's Thirteen.
See I knew there had to be more 13 songs. The only one I had was The Cure, and I didn't love it.
See I knew there had to be more 13 songs. The only one I had was The Cure, and I didn't love it.
Also "Thirteen Men" by Ann Magaret and "Thirteen" by Big Star. Both excellent songs.
Is this the same as "20 Eyes"?
hahaha...yes! sometimes I'm a little hyperbolic!
It sounds like they are saying 40 in the short iTunes clip.
It sounds like they are saying 40 in the short iTunes clip
See! You'd think I'd know for sure after listening to it often over the course of 20+ years.
I sent the Gary Wilson, 2 REMs, MIA, and Zombies tracks to Brawk. The Daft Punk is too big to mail.
I sent the Gary Wilson, 2 REMs, MIA, and Zombies tracks to Brawk.
That's why I said thanks above. Although I just realized I used your real name so I've edited. I have the Daft Punk on hold at the library, but I think I'm number 20 of 20 holds.
Also thanks to juliana and Hec!
"Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love" from A Chorus Line