I'm making a playlist of covers, because I'm love hearing old songs covered new ways. One of my favorites is Rob Zombie's cover of Brick House, but I only have an M4A file, which stupid Windows Media Player won't play. Anyone have an MP3 they could upload to Buffistarawk for me?
Or other suggestions for cool covers?
Amy, I have the Brick House, which I shall send you, along with another cover or two.
Um- is there any way you could share your mix- I love covers so much I can't even say?
Sure, when I'm done! I'm still compiling. ::nods::
I'm glad you like covers, too! They fascinate me.
I've got a ton of covers I like.
Maybe everybody should post a couple of their favorite covers up on Buffistarawk.
Are we using Rawk1 or Rawk2?
I would love to, although I will have to wait until monday because my music is at work.
I loves covers, so I will contribute a choice few.