Moody Blues can still rock out, man.
(Although I'll admit that, looking at the crowd, my first thought was one of Willow's in "Band Candy": "This is dangerous....they could have heart attacks!")
Greatest non-band-related moment in the lull before the encore, there were literally 2-3 lighters; and a SEA of cellphones, opended with their faces toward stage. Really kicked ass. Although not as much as as the Moody Blues did.
Moody Blues can still rock out, man.
I saw them 20+ years ago and they were...not that good. Granted, the fact that the opening act was Stevie Ray Vaughn might have had something to do with it. I think I was in the minority in even knowing who he was, but that was only because of his work on Bowie's Let's Dance album. He totally stole the show though. It was my second concert, and the first time I realized what just 3 musicians could do.
I tell you what, it was 90+ degrees and swamp-like humidity last night. The show was in an outdoor venue that's on the banks of the river, so when I say humidity, I'm not joking.
John Lodge started the show in leather pants; after about an hour, the band took a 20-minute break offstage (again, that heat and humidity is killer, so I can't blame them), and when he came back out, he had changed into non-leather pants and a different shirt.
I'm not overly familiar with the Moody Blues' body of work; I only really know the most popular ones, the ones that get played to death on the radio. Still, it was a good show. They tore it up on "I'm Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band)" and looked like they were having a hell of a lot of fun.
I always wonder if they get tired of playing "Knights in White Satin."
The crowd *loved* "Isn't Life Strange," which I had never really heard before (or didn't remember, if I had).
They did "Your Wildest Dreams," which was the first Moody Blues song I was aware of, back in the day, thanks to MTV (hey, in the 80s I was into Duran Duran and other bands who wore eyeliner).
Graeme Edge cracked me up; he came down from his drum kit for "Higher and Higher" and banged the hell out the tambourine and shook his ass for the crowd (like, turned his back to the audience so we could see his ass, and shook it like Mick Jagger).
Their only encore number was "Question" (of course), which the crowd really REALLY dug.
So I picked up the new Weezer red album.... I must say I really like the song Heart Songs, IMHO it's one of the best songs they have done.
juliana, check buffistarawk for Martin Eden.
So I picked up the new Weezer red album.... I must say I really like the song Heart Songs, IMHO it's one of the best songs they have done.
I've heard only one song out of it and it made me very sad. But it was good!
Last night I saw this band called the Love Cats. They didn't suck.
Ahahahahaha it was at a sketchy BOWLING ALLEY. I'm so glad you went, Trudy.
Last night I saw this band called the Love Cats. They didn't suck.
Eh, it was alright.
I mean, there were only like a hundred people.
And we were smushed so far up front that we had to sit on the amps.
We were SO close that when the keyboard player's set list fell I picked it up and put it back. He smiled and thanked me. Nice kid -- he gave it to me after the show. But its handwritten in red sharpie on notebook paper... oy.
And the bass player? Little fella with a bunch of tattoos. Faced up stage a bunch of the time and stood really still. He told me later that it was the first time he'd ever played bass. I mean COME ON -- find a guy with some skillz, you know?
::dies to deth andisded::
They did "Your Wildest Dreams," which was the first Moody Blues song I was aware of, back in the day, thanks to MTV
All you had to do was type the song title and I could
the seventeen-ness coursing through my body. I didn't even know how present that song was, in my bones right down to the marrow, until just now, and now I'm sitting here watching my classmates come in the door of the prom ballroom at that fancy hotel downtown, the one at the top of the hill, and we all look very grown-up and young and coiled to leap out into the entire universe.
All that from a song title. Is there anything in this world loaded with more magic than music?