The guitarist with the 'fro.
He plays
Desert Song
on an accoustic guitar. And he's sitting on his little chair right in front of me and his hands just DEVOUR the guitar and in the course of my blissing out I'm thinking "Teppy would climb over security and get him..."
The writer clearly is, but he (she? I can't remember what gender the author is) got his/her ideas from a larger context of people who are totally missing the point.
There was a lot of backlash in the UK about the inference that MCR was an "emo cult." Since Gerard has spoken more than once from stage about the importance of getting help if you're depressed, clearly the author has their head firmly up their arse.
Correlation does not imply causation, you fearmongering motherfuckers.
Bears repeating.
Are there people who self-identify as emo?
And Captain Nemo. (If, you know, the first letter of his name tag was covered up.)
I don't know of anyone that
as emo. Probably because the label is flung around a lot as an insult.
I don't know of anyone that self-identifies as emo. Probably because the label is flung around a lot as an insult.
Yeah that's the impression I got recently when I mistakenly attempted to affix that label to a Fall Out Boy song. No "emo" kids were quoted in that icky article and I've never heard someone say, "I
I read the article and @@, as one would expect.
In most definitely non-emo, non-@@ news, I got to see Eric McFadden play last night. He stepped in on a couple songs for The Kehoe Nation, and was, predictably, awesome. It was like a master class on rock guitar.
I was talking about that article with my mom and quoted her some Fall Out Boy lyrics to try to explain why some (insane) people might think certain music promoted suicide.
The ribbon on my wrist says 'do not open before Christmas'
Mom said "what's so bad about that?"
I said, "he's singing about opening his wrist."
"ohhhhhhh" She replied, "I thought he was giving himself away as a present."
I wuv my mom.