How can a band as important as Them be out of print?
How can a band as important as the Feelies be out of print?
Anyway, on another note, watch and be amazed: [link] Maybe even shed a tear for any soul unfortunate enough to have shared a stage with these guys on that particular day.
Anyway, on another note, watch and be amazed: [link].
Definitely one of the greatest live bands ever. Just a monster when they locked in.
Larry Graham is, of course, godlike, but I have a special affection for Cynthia Robinson (the trumpeter) who was just So. Freakin'. Cool.
How can a band as important as the Feelies be out of print?
There are rumors of a box set reissue of some sort.
Barricade both nights.
Stage Toro.
Taking back Sunday showed up. Marrying Lazzara.
::Trudy Booth has passed out. When she regains consciousness she will have more to say.::
Tom Waits press conference:
Nine Inch Nails is offering the new album for free download here [link]
Fresh Frank of Dork Air!
When I met him later in the line I nearly
smished him to death for that.
Instead I told him
Nap hard, Motherfucker!!!!!
Seriously. I did.
::clutches Toro pick to bosom, falls back asleep
Hey, I met Frank Iero too! (I asked if he had seen Iron Man yet. He said it was "fucking awesome.")