On that covers page that someone posted above there is a cover of "What's This" which is lovely.
Here is it! The page, not the song
Fiona Apple-Sally's Song
Fall Out Boy-What's This
Panic! At the Disco-This is Halloween
Marilyn Manson-This is Halloween
Should I tell people here, if they don't already know, there's a Fallout Boy cover of a Nightmare Before Christmas song?
There is also a Panic! at the Disco cover. It's quite good, actually ("This Is Halloween").
One more
She Wants Revenge-Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Scarlett Johansson's Tom Waits album streaming: [link]
Those are a lot of fun, DJ. Thanks for the links.
I thought they would be enjoyed. Man I love the internets!
The Marilyn Manson one is especially awesome, as expected.