Pete, as I've said often in the past, is lyrically the male version of Tori Amos. FEAR HIM.
More and more, I am accepting this as truth. I really am. I'm tempted to do a lyrics quiz where I post snippets of both Tori and FOB lyrics, and see who can identify the author.
Really? I guess I didn't realize he did the lyrics for FOB.
Yeah. He does the lyrics, and Patrick turns them from random scraps of stream of consciousness into songs. It's like magic!
Also, how much to I love that Toro does THE THIGHS even when recording? [link] SO MUCH.
And how much do I love that Frankie is bouncing in his chair? LOTS.
Uh, music. Right. Love that we get a closeup of Toro's solo riff from "Prison" in that clip.
As opposed to all the Pretty Pretty Princesses, of course.
Gee Way is the prettiest princess of them all.
(1:26 has "tongue thing" that could rival Spike himself)
(its a vid with not MyChem music... but its a pretty good crash course in Princess Way)
Video - is that guy at the beginning supposed to be Mikey w/ Alicia?
And was that Seth Green at the grave site?
...okay, that was pretty great. But I still like the one with monkeys better.
Patrick turns them from random scraps of stream of consciousness into songs. It's like magic!
Further adding to my theory that Patrick is an alien genius. I just think that Pete has no filter - what other people think the rest of the world won't want to hear, Pete puts into song.
Love that we get a closeup of Toro's solo riff from "Prison" in that clip.
It is very educational! (Actually, it kinda was for me.)
Huh. Possibly of most interest (or at least applicability) to SA - Bob Bryar giving a lesson on how to play "Welcome To The Black Parade": [link]
Bob Bryar giving a lesson on how to play "Welcome To The Black Parade": [link]
Golly. I didn't know he had spoken that much in his ENTIRE LIFE COMBINED. And he didn't assault the camera
even once
Video - is that guy at the beginning supposed to be Mikey w/ Alicia?
The stuff at the beginning recreates the end of their Dance Dance video.
Yes, that is Seth Green, and it's MT standing with him.
William Beckett reprises his role as a vampire dandy (from the Sixteen Candles video) for the funeral scene.
Dance Dance: [link]
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me": [link]
a pretty good crash course in Princess Way
... I could *so* teach that boy to dance. For real.
And with that,
Things are better if I say/so long and good night/so long and good night