"The Internet Has Seen My Penis And Then I Made a Music Video About It."
For accuracy.
There's a lady plays her fav'rite records/On the jukebox ev'ry day/All day long she plays the same old songs/And she believes the things that they say/She sings along with all the saddest songs/And she believes the stories are real/She lets the music dictate the way that she feels.
"The Internet Has Seen My Penis And Then I Made a Music Video About It."
For accuracy.
Only partly about that! That video referenced every FOB gossip item!
Ah, Pete. You crazy, crazy little man.
That video referenced every FOB gossip item!
Wait, so the Playboy Mansion hot tub thing was a FOB gossip item? That I did not realize.
Yeah, Gerard saves all of his exhibitionism for onstage. Which, while I admire, there is a shallow fangirl part of me that is very faintly disappointed.
Only partly about that! That video referenced every FOB gossip item!
I adore that video.
I also adore MCR's melodies as much as I do the lyrics, and I had completely forgotten about Ray's recording studio on the bus. I ... think I'm a little in love now. What an awesome partnership. Because for songs written together, they sound really organic.
I need to see that DVD, clearly. And brush up on my MCR background.
::gets out Trapper Keeper and sparkly gel pens::
Wait, so the Playboy Mansion hot tub thing was a FOB gossip item? That I did not realize.
I'm actually not sure if that one had basis in fact/gossip. Seeing as I am not caught up on the Andy buzz. Beyond the whole vegan anarchist thing.
I think it was the origination of the Andy is a Manwhore thing.
Did I miss Bandom Day?
You should all come back. I was off being a good daughter for it is my Mother's 60th Birthday. And I adore her.
dude, "bandom meara" would SO involve drag...
Yes, this. Very good hooks, snarky smart lyrics. And speaking from the MCR side of things, they're dorks made good. The MCR boys are open about being complete geeks. They cheerfully mock their dorktasticness and over-the-top theatrical tendencies while simultaneously being completely earnest about it. That is a winning combination for me.
Oh I love them so. Love. Love. Love. Love.
I love all of them all the time. I am particularly in love with Gerard Way. And Ray Toro. And Mikey Way. And Frankie Iero. And Bob Bryar too. Um... I am particularly in love with all of them all the time. Mikey and Ray have shirts now. I am getting both shirts. If all five of them have shirts I WILL GET FIVE FUCKING SHRITS.
Cobra Starship: tongue so far in cheek that I'm surprised Saporta hasn't bitten it off yet. Has the lovely Vicky-T on keytar, as well as Alex (bass), Ryland (guitar), and Nate (drums). Alex and Ryland have their own band - This Is Ivy League - which is fun folky pop.
Guilty Pleasure has been stuck in my head all. day. long. It's the ultimate earworm, sort of "It's a Small World After All" but it will make you really happy.
And yet! A core of substance.
Yeah, they've got for real musicians, yo.
Ivy League is bee-yoo-teee-ful. I was at their record release party at Knitting Factory earlier this week and it was heavenly. There are a bunch of clips on YouTube. (One of the cameras must have been within three feet of me -- its really trippy to watch).
Fall Out Boy is mad fun. Pete Wentz is some sort of lyrical savant -- seriously. 80% of the time he comes across as dopey but then he cranks out these lyrics with internal rhyme and literary allusions and witty word play and you're like "um... does Pete have someone locked in the basement?*
Have I not been saying this over and over to you (and anyone else)? When you're here this weekend, I could show you Life On The Murder Scene! Um, just the music videos, unless you want to watch the whole documentary, during which I (and probably Cass) will flail helplessly and randomly exclaim "OH BOYS".
If you listen in an easterly direction you might hear me squealing "smish smish smish!!!!" from several thousand miles away.
(Dear MCR, listen to Jilli. Also, don't mind me stealing your hairlicious lead guitarist - I just need some tips on guitar playing. Your drummer, though, you might not get back.)
Dear MCR, if you don't need Toro back I'll give him a good home. I do not need any damn guitar tips.
See also Leathermouth, the side project of Frank Iero (MCR) and Jamia Nestor (wife of Frank) on their Skeleton Crew...thing. It's a label, it's a production company, its a publisher, it's whatever they want it to be. Leathermouth is very much in the line of Jersey hardcore, and is pretty much unknown outside of Jersey and certain corners of the internet. Demos out, but not really signed outside of Skeleton Crew.
My nearly boundless love for Frank Iero has me listening to crazy screaming Leathermouth hardcore songs I'd have never botherd to look up the lyrics to (oh, you reeeeeally cannot understand what Frankie is saying. Really ) But if Frankie is going to go there? I'm going to follow long enough to find this inner screaming teenage rage that I never even had when I was legitimately fifteen. Truefax. He is so lovely. And then he goes so fucking nuts. And I get to go fucking nuts too. I want him to pass that mad little man around the basement of the Knitting Factory and get kicked in the head by his tiny little foot. I want him sweat on me...
The Academy has been around as long--perhaps longer--than Fall Out Boy... Billy Beckett (lead vocals) is younger than me.
And hypnotically beautiful. And his pants are held up by two-sided tape. (And possibly the forces of darkness).
Yeah, until (continued...)
( continues...)
she writes a song anywhere near as good as "I'm Just A Girl" or throws anything as left field as a drumline into her pop songs, she's not anywhere close to Gwen's stature as a pop princess.
True. But she gets to share eye-makeup with Pete Wentz...
I suppose most nasty things said about Pete are true (it is possible that he, like Ashlee, has no soul) but see above re: lyrical savant. And the fucker is savvy -- if this only goes for fifteen minutes its going to be a productive fifteen minutes. The man has diversified out the wazoo and you've got to respect that.
Patrick Stump is... well, I suspect we'll have Patrick around for a good long time. He's as business clever as Pete and, it appears, something of a musical genius as well.
Gerard is the main lyricist, and Ray Toro is the main composer. The rest of the guys add stuff too, but the main songwriters are Gee and Toro.
Go to C! Go to C! [link]
* No. Pete does not have someone locked in the basement. Gabe quite possibly does.
Go to C! Go to C! [link]
I HAD NOT SEEN THAT BEFORE! Oh, that was fun.
Oh Jilli, this is a very special day for you!
(I swears, its up there with any other first time)