I love the Stones, I think because they use so many blues riffs in their music (for me, everything comes back to the blues. Except classical. And Irish music. Anyway).
So, one of the opening acts for My Chemical Romance (who are way fun live) is Billy Talent. I wouldn't have been excited about seeing BT if I'd first heard their recorded music: [link] but live? More punk than emo, and absolutely amazing. (Also, the lead singer Ben has obviously studied Iggy Pop's every move. Except perhaps the kicking the techs in the balls thing.)
I love the Stones and the Who. Shockingly their CDs do not spontaneously combust when placed in close proximity.
So this is a little weird. Since the Bubblegum book came out I get periodic interview requests to comment on the latest teen pop sensation. Recently I was interviewed by the LA Times for a piece on the Jonas Brothers (my second interview on them within a month - the first was for Details magazine). And my comments got picked up by an A&R insider blog. Like I'm an expert on the subject. Which I am, but it's still weird.
I am listening to my favorite radio show, "Breakfast with the Beatles," [link] and coincidentally, today they are doing the Stones vs. the Beatles. The guest is Little Steven (who has his own radio show and is not only a cool musician, pretty good actor, and terrific DJ, he is really knowledgable, fun and passionate). It's great.
Shine A Light
is getting great PR and PR by association.
I had a professor in college, Crispin Sartwell, who later came to some notoriety when he claimed that he could mathematically prove the Stones were better than the Beatles. It was all a big epistemological joke, but it did get him some radio time on NPR.
Anyway, as much as I love The Who and The Kinks and The Stones from their heydays (my relationship with the Beatles is too complex to call it love), the greatest rock band ever is pretty clearly Boris. Wait, no. It's the Minutemen. Hold it. It's The Mekons. Guided By Voices. Maybe Can. Or The Fall. Or The Feelies. Or Love. No, it's definitely Television. Or perhaps...
eta: I hate to use phrases like "The best rock band in history," but really, who else comes close?
I nominate (Buddy Holly and) the Crickets. Even without knowing what they might have done if Holly had lived. And while I don't think they qualify as "best" or "greatest," rock bands would have been very different if there had been no Duane Eddy and the Rebels.
John Lennon would agree with you, and he knew a lot.
Except to duck.
Lost art, ducking.
For impact and influence only the Stooges
I met the son of one of the Stooges last week. He's a medical writer. True story.
Last name Benjamin, by any chance?
Dr. Howard? Dr. Fine? Dr. Howard?
Seriously, which Stooge?