I resent the implication that just because a song could be used on television, it must be bad.
Well, I think his point was that these songs sound as if they were written specifically to be used on certain shows.
I just love how cranky he is! And glad I'm not the target.
I think "Riders on the Storm" is the rainiest song I know.
Have I mentioned Leonard Cohen is playing here in May? In a nice, small venue. I'm psyched.
My friend's tonight were telling me about seeing him in the 70s in London. They said the crowd starting booing and hissiing when he would recite his poetry. But they also said he came back for encore after encore, and kept saying, I've got nowhere to go, so if you want me to play, I'll play.
Did we already do "No Rain" and "I Love a Rainy Night"?
I Love a Rainy Night
giant sticky earworm from hell!
Somehow it turned into, "Louisiana Saturday Night" for me, so that's what I have in my head now. Which is far better than what my coworker earwormed me with to get rid of my America earworm [link]
ETA: NTerriblySFW-or anything really. I mean it. Hide your children and small furry creatures.
The Boston Globe on the (over)use of "Hallelujah": [link]
It says that there are people who hadn't heard it before it was on AI this week.
How is that possible?
They were frozen cave-people who were defrosted just before this week's AI?
I don't think a lot of people take notice of music in tv shows. I know I can miss a whole song in a movie.