The Rain -- Oran "Juice" Jones (and there's an answer song, but I don't know the name)
Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head -- B.J. Thomas
Singin' in the Rain -- many people, though Gene Kelly's version is probably definitive
Rhapsody in the Rain -- Lou Christie
It Never Rains in Southern California -- Albert Hammond
Louisiana Rain -- Leroux, I think
Kentucky Rain -- Elvis Presley
Rainy Days and Mondays -- Carpenters
I Wish It Would Rain -- Temptations
Have You Ever Seen the Rain -- Creedence Clearwater Revival
Who'll Stop the Rain -- Creedence Clearwater Revival
Rain -- Madonna
Walking in the Rain -- Ronettes/Jay and the Americans/Walker Brothers
In the Rain -- Dramatics
Walking in the Rain with the One I Love -- Love Unlmited
I think my brain is tuned to Sue's AM radio station.