...purity rings?
I guess I'm just a punkass, because I was way more tickled by Trace Cyrus -- Miley Cyrus' older brother -- when I saw his band (Metro Station). Four boys who style themselves like lesbians and sing songs about having underage sex! I wanted to ruffle their hair and say, "I don't really like your music and you look ridiculous, but keep up the good work, kids!"
This is probably why I shouldn't be a parent.
I'm quoted in Details Magazine about the Jonas Brothers.
Hey, cool! A bunch of teens at my library LOVE the Jonas Brothers, but I didn't know much about them before reading that article. I like the idea of the bubblegum-as-espionage TV series, though I'm sure it's going to be dreadful. One line from the article that struck me:
Greenberg [then-president of Columbia Records] says he burned the brothers a CD of punk songs from the seventies and eighties
I'd think that admitting to
burning CDs
would be a big no-no for a record company exec!
Jonathan Coulton went from being just another "code monkey" to the Godfather of "Geek Rock.": [link]
Do the 13th Floor Elevators have any cool songs besides "You're Gonna Miss Me"? Their catalog is available on eMusic.
"Fire Engine" is pretty great. Television used to cover it.
Heh. Cool song.
Did Television do the fire engine "sound effects"?
"Tried To Hide" and "Roller Coaster" are a pretty great songs, too, but I don't think those versions on eMusic are the album versions. I'm pretty fond of both The Psychedelic Sounds Of The 13th Floor Elevators and Easter Everywhere.
Why do I keep forgetting that Prince is friggin AWESOME?
I was at a Fatburger yesterday, and Pink Cashmere came on the jukebox. I had to run home immediately and download it off iTunes. After taking a few hours to toally sex up S, 'cuz that's what you should do when you hear that song - sex somebody up as soon as possible.
I went to one of the best shows I've ever seen last night. Teeny-tiny show featuring Estradasphere [link] Jason Webley [link] and Amanda Palmer (!!!). And the conjoined twins Evelyn Evelyn [link] performed live for the first time ever.
The venue was the house/recording studio/performance space that Estradasphere lives in. The performance space was about as big as my living room and kitchen put together, and the audience was probably no more than 100 people.