Who cares? As long as you don't think you're Down because of it, I don't think it hurts anyone.
Until you're like "I totally get all there is to know about hip-hop. My wife volunteers at an inner-city school."(White Person burn of the year, imo.)
My personal favorite is "No Scrubs,"...did that make the list? And only partially because somebody filked it anti- Bush for 2000.
I don't want no Shrubs
No Shrub's gonna get love from me
And I'm about the least down woman on the planet, despite my neverending love affair with cornerboy patois.(CMB forevah!1!) I'm sure you feel me on that.
That list just reminded me of watching a clip of Alicia Keyes a week or whatever ago declaring that she listens to an eclectic mix of musicians, and then proceeds to list off only black musicians.
OK I'm going to make my list before I click but I already know it's going to be 1/2 Beastie Boys. Does "Rapture" by Blondie still count as a rap song?
Jesse, the honorable mention list looks like my freaking dance mix list on my iPod.
Jesse, the honorable mention list looks like my freaking dance mix list on my iPod.
You may be a white person.
We could confirm this if there were any show tunes on your iPod.
How can "Fight for your Right" not be on that list?
Does "Rapture" by Blondie still count as a rap song?
I think so.
How about "The Revolution Will Not be Televised"?
We could confirm this if there were any show tunes on your iPod.
Which show tunes were you speaking of? I currently have "Hairpsray", "Wicked", "Les Miz", "Evita", "Into the Woods", "Phantom", and "Momma Mia".
Oh Christ.
Which show tunes were you speaking of? I currently have "Hairpsray", "Wicked", "Les Miz", "Evita", "Into the Woods", "Phantom", and "Momma Mia".
I just don't know why "I Got A Man" beat "Fight For Your Right". Very odd.