Thanks tommyrot.
This story is still not be (sic) reported correctly. The court briefing states that copying a CD to a computer in MP3 format and putting it in their shared KAZA folder is what made the copies illegal.
Now, if this is the case, then Howell's a double moron. First for challenging the case, and second for still using KAZA.
The MPAA considers uploading (or putting stuff in a shared folder in a file-sharing program) to be worse than downloading, right? Or when you download a file with a file-sharing program, is the file generally left in the shared folder, available for others to download? (In which case the distinction might not mean much.)
David Byrne's Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists — and Megastars
Demonic Dismembered Baby Head Theremins
eBay auction: [link]
The guy also has an auction for a disco ball theremin....
Bah! It uses a photo-cell which, in my book, isn't a "real" theremin.
t /theresnob
Oh yeah, I'm sure that tag closes.
I theresniff in the general direction of their photocells....
Bah! It uses a photo-cell which, in my book, isn't a "real" theremin.
D'oh! I missed that.
Yes, I concur those aren't real theremins....
My partner in theresnobbery!
It uses a photo-cell which, in my book, isn't a "real" theremin.
The things one learns here about thereminutia.