I'm still not clear on why she thought you were in GBV, Corwood. Do you look like somebody in the band? (I know what you look like, but not what they do.) What a weird leap to make. If you'd had a Stones shirt on would she have assumed you were one of the not-Mick/not-Keith members of the band? And she's clearly not in a band if she thinks you shouldn't wear your own shirt. It's called promotion. Advertising. Wear that Parks and Wildlife shirt, my friend! Too proud to pimp your own gig? Find a new line of work.
Did anyone send juliebird the Buffistarawk info?
Stockhausen died.
As FAQWife just said to me, "I totally thought that dude was, like, immortal."
Which may well be the first time KS was referred to as a "dude".
Stockhausen died.
Is suddenly ashamed he didn't know he was still alive.
Corwood, that story is a thing of beauty. They should film it and show it every Xmas.
I'm still not clear on why she thought you were in GBV, Corwood.
My guess is that she didn't even know who GBV were and that she just assumed because he was wearing a t-shirt of band she didn't recognize the name of it must have been his band.
she didn't even know who GBV were and that she just assumed because he was wearing a t-shirt of band she didn't recognize the name of it must have been his band.
An easy mistake to make. If you're an idiot.
So, if I wear a Microsoft t-shirt, do I get access to Bill Gates's bank account?
Oh, I love that story beyond the telling of it. And I adore you for stringing her out like that.
Those hipsters wouldn't even acknowledge Gates existed. They all use Macs.