The new issue of Mojo is out with the Kinks on the cover, and the Kinks covered on the CD. I liked (more than I expected) the collection of Who covers in the last issue, so I'm looking forward to mine arriving in the mail box.
From browsing at the newstand, however, I saw they had an article on Talk Talk's
Spirit of Eden.
Anybody a fan? They had an intriguing sidebar on other ambitiious 80s epics including Kate's The Dreaming and OMD's Dazzleships (which we wrote about in LitG).
From browsing at the newstand, however, I saw they had an article on Talk Talk's Spirit of Eden. Anybody a fan? They had an intriguing sidebar on other ambitiious 80s epics including Kate's The Dreaming and OMD's Dazzleships (which we wrote about in LitG).
I've always heard great things about it, and I really like the album the main songwriter Rustin Parr (?) did with Beth Gibbons of Portishead, but I've never actually heard it.
While I'm fishing for opinions, who's got one on the Arctic Monkeys?
With a name like that, I think they could sell to a Buffista demographic.
With a name like that, I think they could sell to a Buffista demographic.
Especially when you consider Arctic Monkeys would have a good chance of encountering penguins....
I really like Broken Social Scene, but I have no idea why they need 5 guitarists.
It would make sense if they unplugged at least 2 of them.
While I'm fishing for opinions, who's got one on the Arctic Monkeys?
The New Big Thing in England. Guitar-based rock, by U.S. standards.
Not my thing, but many her would appreciate them.
Jack White. Brendan Benson. New Band. Annoying Website: [link]
If you want to avoid throwing your computer at a wall after that site angers you to the point of violence against inanimate but expensive objects, you can read about it here: [link]
In other news:
the new Pollard disc.
So I've been trying to expand my musical horizons lately, and I've always taken a dim view of country. If I like Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, and Neko Case, who else should I be listening to?