"Tom Traubert's Blues"
Which I've seen him do live (Frank's tour, heh). My favorite on that is "Invitation to the Blues" (followed closely by "Step Right Up"), but, man, that is a hella good song.
Declan, you rotter
This is the kind of statement that makes me want to kiss you Hec, even though we're both straight males.
I thought he and cait were way over before DK appeared on the scene.
Swordfishtrombones and Small Change were my intro to Tom Waits. When I finally heard Closing Time (though I do love it), I couldn't believe it was the same man.
I thought Cait dumped him, actually. Don't know where I heard that.
That was my impression, too. That Cait dumped him. Not that I haven't lost a little of my respect for him for marrying DK.
I'm not a big fan of Tom Waits' earlier stuff (although I haven't revisited it and probably need to). I think Swordfishtrombones is an excellent start point. I think Rain Dogs is good too.
In truth, Rain Dogs is my favorite of his albums. I'm also inordinately fond of Bone Machine.
My condolences, Jon.
Miles & Trane with the Gil Evans Orchestra performing "So What"
Good stuff, but it's mislabeled as being from 1958. It's from an April 1959 tv special called "The Sound of Miles Davis". If you have the Ashley Kahn Kind of Blue book he covers it on pages 126-130. It was taped about a month after the album.
From the sublime to the ridiculous (but very entertaining)...
I'd hate to be the roadie for these guys.
And The Shining as feel-good heart-tugger.
I was hoping that would bring you out of the woodworks. When I finish Phil Freeman's new book Running The Voodoo Down, I'm sending it to you post-haste.
I haven't had a nice meaty break up/parting of ways (no brackets needed, thanks though) in a while so I will take this opportunity to list some of my tried and true breaking up/parting ways songs many of which have absolutely nothing to do with breaking up or parting ways or dating for that matter:
oh! sweet nothin - velvet underground
say it ain't so - weezer (god i love this effing song)
police on my back - the clash (?? don't ask - i think it speaks to my commitment issues)
classic girl - jane's addiction
everything is everything - lauryn hill
red mosquito and corduroy - pearl jam (oh the unbelievable last verse of red mosquito which is just the lines "if i had known then/what i know now")
big boring wedding - guided by voices (this is about a wedding of all things but the chorus "pass the word/the chicks are back!" cheers me in an odd way)
anywhere's better than here - the replacements
happy - the wrens
stormy weather - the pixies
and the new 2005 addition:
since u been gone - kelly clarkson (a song i can't believe i was deprived of for so many break ups until now much like i can't believe i missed out on indian food for the first 22 years of my life)
That is actually not the whole list but - sleep is finally calling.