Fuck yeah! Congratulations, Corwood! Very very excited to read your book. That's awesome.
And you doubted your pitch.
When did you say you'd turn in your manuscript?
I was mentally preparing myself for a negative answer because there had been so many proposals turned in and it was breaking my heart a little because I really really really wanted to do this book.
I was mentally preparing myself for a negative answer because there had been so many proposals turned in and it was breaking my heart a little because I really really really wanted to do this book.
Good, because I really, really, really want to read it. Corwood's too, but SOtL has less personal value for me than Swordfishtrombones, though a damn fine record.
Completely missed that there was somebody doing Marquee... and Another... - sounds good too.
I found out from Bookslut, which highlighted Shoot Out The Lights as one of the selected books. I'll admit it, I squeed. Go, Hayden! Go, Hec!
Congrats, Corwood and Hec!
Inquiring minds want to know. Questions for CI and Hec:
How did you find out you got picked?
What sort of timeframe do you have to work on it?
Do they assign you an editor? How does all that work?
When are these set to be published?
Are you going to do lots of interviews?
Will you need to travel?
Do you get any fundage for any of that stuff?
Will you need to travel?
This, especially. But all good questions.
Congrats, Corwood and Hec! That's such great news!
How did you find out you got picked?
Two days ago via email from David Barker, confirming that I really most sincerely wanted to do it.
What sort of timeframe do you have to work on it?
I said I'd turn in my draft in March of 2007.
Do they assign you an editor? How does all that work?
I think David Barker (the guy with the blog who did the announcement) is the editor. My contact, anyway. My experience with Lost in the Grooves is that they have a separate copy editor once I submit.
When are these set to be published?
Depends on their schedule once I turn it in. They have to get things lined up with the printer, and certain catalogues where it will be listed to generate orders etc. With my two previous books there was a 6-9 month production/promotion period after we submitted the manuscripts. It won't be particularly complicated to set this book - not like the mixture of images and text we had with LiTG. So, barring other factors (which would include how many other books they've got coming out and when), I would guess that my book would be coming out in the fall of 2007. They'd want to get it out before the xmas buying season. (It's the perfect stocking stuffer!) But Kim's book was announced and then delayed for a couple months. So...publishing is a tricky business.
Are you going to do lots of interviews?
Depends on how many people are interested in the book once it comes out. Kim's done several. I don't know that each book has gotten the same amount of press that hers had. I'm pretty sure her book was the hottest seller they had - for initial sales anyway.
Will you need to travel?
Like a book tour? NSM. I doubt they'd fund something like that, though there will be some promotion money. I could probably set up some readings myself. It'd be fun to go back to Chicago.
Do you get any fundage for any of that stuff?
I'm not sure how much promo money will be in the pot with 21 books coming out. I'm guessing less than I had for LitG.
I can't stand myself! Ow!
Gonna get the hot tub! Yeah! Hett! Gonna get in the hot tub! Yeow! Gonna get in the hot tub. Huoh! OWWW! That's hot.
t /JB
Jump back and kiss your bad self, Hec!
Jump back and kiss your bad self, Hec!
Damn, I'm pretty!
t /Ali
You know I bet if I started begging now, Jake of Rocktober would help me set up a Tom Waits night at Quimby's with puppets and guest performers. How fun would that be?