There is a digital camera at work I could use tomorrow... I'll do that.
I searched flickr for photos tagged with "new haircut" so I could get some ideas and got over 4000 photos as a result. Lots of cute cuts and tons of babies getting their first haircut and about as many dudes in different stages of shaving their heads. Interesting.
I need to clean my apartment for impending Mom visit but I can't put Kim's book down - I keep getting chills as I read other people talk about the album and my reaction is "yes! exactly that!"
There is a digital camera at work I could use tomorrow... I'll do that.
Right on! You just made my Wednesday.
Btw, are you acquainted with the very cool and fun Little Hits site? Music for the nabbing, and much of it vinyl only. Lots of great new wave and indie pop and power pop stuff from 70s-90s.
Btw, are you acquainted with the very cool and fun Little Hits site?
I am now - looks very cool and fun.
My blog discovery the other day was Puritan Blister. Not so much with the writing but it has a ton of mp3s of everything from the more popular indie rock bands to older stuff to mashups and lots and lots of covers. Just kind of fun for trying stuff out that you've heard of but are not really sure you want to buy. I got several of the tracks for my cover mix from there. Which I still need to post.
Their writing styles and aesthetics are very different though
Ah, but that's why I was talking about their appearances. Still, that was a nice delineation between the two. Since I'm all about appearances, another physical one is that Greil is in Berkeley and Xgau in NYC.
Haircut pics for Hec as promised.
Now. These pictures do not do the rockstar-nature of this cut justice AT ALL for two reasons. I had a brief client meeting today so I couldn't really go all out but even worse, like a dummy, I took these after going to get lunch and it's super windy here so what texture I had got all smoothed out - so - not so rockstar looking - but to give you an idea of how different it is than it was before.
Before. It was mid-way down my back, I hadn't cut it in over 8 months and it was getting all hippied out and the color was faded.
After. The front. And here is the back.
I have nothing to say about music except that I downloaded
Ragin, Full-on
(fIREHOSE) from Emusic last night because I don't have the whole thing on CD. Man I love that album.
Been listening to Unbunny the whole day. Curse you Jon, -- he said mimicing Moo-Moo Bunnylips --because I really should have been doing other things than listening to pretty music.
Nice haircut--and you got some gorgeous eyes on you, girl.
Thanks Robin. I am determined to get more pics up that do the cut full justice. I am sad that it looks so plain in these.
I think it looks very flattering, tina. And you have a lot that doesn't need any flattering.
(Above is clumsy way of saying you're beautiful. I put in an arrow, but the board software took it out.)
Wow, you're cute, Tina. Nice haircut, too. And I love that fIREHOSE album.