In other news, if any of y'all haven't read Kim Cooper's book on In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, well, then you should.
Isn't it great? Before she started we talked a lot about how Elephant 6 was like one of the utopian artist communities that used to flourish in the 19th century. Except nomadic. For me it's a surprisingly moving book about friendship and making music. You always hear the legends about the Davies brothers slugging each other on stage. You don't hear this story as much.
if any of y'all haven't read Kim Cooper's book on In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, well, then you should.
I haven't read it yet, but I love that Kim has been signing and numbering her promo copies and selling them for big bucks!
I haven't read it yet, but I love that Kim has been signing and numbering her promo copies and selling them for big bucks!
Oooh, I wondered why she number the copy she sent to me. I'm rich!
interesting...I don't read much music writing. Don't want to feel like a dumbass. Which is a silly insecurity on my part, because *of course* the writer knows something I don't...that's what books are for.
Maybe it was spending my early childhood being shushed by musicians. Or meeting Jazz People later on.(I've come to like jazz, but some of the hardcore fans can put out a real "High Fidelity record store" vibe that is not friendly to the newbie.)
It does help to know that particular record, erika, but the book is accessible to the non-fan. But it does help to understand the particular reverence that many people (myself included) feel for this record.
I was speaking more generally(also about why I stayed out of here so long, but, good to know. Maybe someday I'll get to never know.)
I just ordered Kim's book from amazon last night. I can't wait to read it. I have lots of new music to post about - for one thing I cannot stop listening to The Wilderness' s/t album - any fans? If you can get past the lead singer's "voice" (he goes the John Lydon yelling kinda incoherently route) it's good good stuff (especially the drums). It's been on constant repeat on the iPod since I listened to it on the plane ride home.
But for now I am trying to set up my brand new shiny shiny powerbook with a wireless router. Look for my excitingly clueless and frustrated posts in a Technology thread near you!
Isn't it great?
Yeah, it really is. I wish I'd realized in advance that Kim would read my quick review of it, because I would have written something I had considered a bit more.
Hey, Tina, I've been lately listening to the Hold Steady on your recommendation. Thanks!
The data there isn't misleading so much as it's ambiguous. I'm not sure what the graph is charting, exactly. My best guess is that it's saying that the average bestseller isn't selling as highly as in previous years, but the lack of complete data for the second half of this decade skews everything (provided the spreadsheet, which I can't wrap my brain around, doesn't explain that). Also, it can only be good news for non-mainstream music, which is, as far as I'm concerned, as close to objectively "good" news for music as you can get.