There are compilations?
Yup. A bunch: [link]
I think the classic Sopranos musical moment is that early season ep with "The Beast In Me" playing over the credits
Oh yes. It's been noted many times by many people - but the music selections enhance the show more than any other episodic television series in recent memory. It's a huge part of my enjoyment in watching and why I took the trouble to hook the DVD player up to my stereo receiver when I started the big re-watch.
My wishlist is now (more) soaked in The Thing, Tina.
Seasons 2-4 are still on it. It is always hard to break loose with that kind of cash even with holiday play money. Damn. But my mother wants to see Paulie and Christopher lost in Pine Barrens again so I probably should do it. It is still her Best. Episode. Ever.
I think the classic Sopranos musical moment is that early season ep with "The Beast In Me" playing over the credits
Nick Lowe song. Johnny Cash covered it too, but I remember them using the Nick version on the show.
Should I do that? Is that proper I-can't-find-your-mp3 etiquette?
Sure. I think he'd be psyched you want to buy the song from him, and not steal it.
"Turtle and the Flightless Bird" is my favorite song from the album and I just saw that it's one of the songs he performs on the show.
Funny story, that. I commented after the set that I missed hearing the theremin at the end of the song that's on the CD version, and that I was tempted to add it in myself. He told me to go for it. I looked at him disbelievingly. "No, really", he replied.
So when I was editing the set at home (there were several false starts that needed to be cut out), I overdubbed some theremin onto the song. I tried to make it sound like the theremin heard in the previous song which Devin did play himself.
Kate, the sean nós stuff is up. Sorry for taking so long, I couldn't use my own computer.
I tried to download these just now, but they're in a format that I can't read (.cda). I can't get either iTunes or Windows Media Player to play them. :-( Thanks for trying, though! I appreciate it. I'll keep an eye out for other stuff by that singer.
Which Fucked-Up Genius Composer Are You?
Heh, I got Shane MacGowan.
Captain Beefheart... you are one of the first modern fucked-up geniuses.
And I love that one of the song lyrics was from one of my favorite Nick Cave songs, "The Curse of Millhaven."
I tried to download these just now, but they're in a format that I can't read (.cda).
It's not you, Kate --- cda files are pointer files on audio CDs. They are not the actual audio files. Spring -- you need to use software like iTunes to rip the audio from a CD. You can't just upload the cda files directly from the CD.
The fact that the cda files are only 1K each in size should have been a clue... ;)
I was Joe Strummer this time. Last time, I was Shane MacGowen.