I'd guess all the shit from the city being washed into the nearby waters. At least that is true of the harbor here. Post storm, it is NASTY. And here, filled with used hypos. Uhg. When I was sailing, I was greatly afeared of falling off the boat, since CG told us if it happened, the first stop we made needed to be the hospital for massive shots.
Now pre-oncoming storms, at least in the Gulf, the gross was all the churned up seaweed to wrap around your limbs and more tarballs than usual. Or so I'm told. It was GROSS.
I'm a mom. Shows about dying adorable children? Sob-a-rama. It used to be worse; I used to cry at Michelin commercials.
Who was that singing "Beautiful" at the end of House, which I just saw, too!
Elvis Costello, according to my cc. Why I remember that, I don't know.
My skin is still crawling with the whole
thing. 34 minutes to go. I'm also freaked out by
plucky cancer children,
so I share that with House. I'm just nicer than he is.
I was crying for House himself at the end of the show. Although I still cry during Michelin commercials.
The kiss was incredibly uncomfortable, but I think it was more uncomfortable for him. I also think the whole thing was a misdirect given the ending.
ita, I'll grant you it was pretty creepy. And a good indication of how
Chase just don't know lines in the sand.
How was Lost? (In vague, non-discussiony terms)
My take on Lost premier: Pretty good. Not overwhelmingly spectacular, but some good moments. I missed the first five minutes, and those were, apparently, well done. Sort of felt like Part I of a two-parter. I enjoyed it.
I saw 2 seconds of the catch up show for lost ( TIVO popped out of pause) ... might just skip that unless someone says it is worth it