Actually, it looks like Galveston is threatened but not directly in line for annihilation.
However, if it maintains its current course, Sugar Land gets the NE quadrant.
Can't wait for the speech in Sugar Land -- "I'm going to be sitting on the front porch of Tom DeLay's house...."
Our client in Houston is closing all their offices this afternoon for the rest of the week.
Which works to my advantage, as I have to change something on a couple of their servers. </evil me me me>
Our office is also closing for the rest of the week.
I was sticking around for a 1PM conference call. Which has been delayed.
My first hurricane was in Houston for a category 1, I think. That was interesting. First time I'd seen that much water come out of the sky
in my life,
and I'm not really exaggerating (desert.)
You going to stick around or take an impromptu vacation, Dana?
At the moment, we're planning to stay.
In fact, I would go further: Your backyard is generally not a good place for a shallow grave.
Unless you plant tomatoes over it. (Name that movie reference! Win a gold star! [And it's NOT Fried Green Tomatoes.])
Oh, that movie where those people kill everyone who comes over for dinner except for Ron Perlman.
At the moment, we're planning to stay.
And are you planning to check in with me regularly so I don't freak out?