Bean sprouts. Very nutritious.
Oh, that's a good one.
I was also thinking maybe wheat sprouts. Nummy and kind of sweet. But I don't think you'd actually end up with more food than if you just ate the wheat seeds - I think you gotta eat them when they're really young.
I love the Rent music and I was mumbling through the whole show: "Get a Job, you lazyass."
rambly meeting make me really annoyed. I do not need to hear about every single thing you do for your job. no really, I don't.
But did it really define a generation? Which one?
Only a generation that didn't realize it was a remake of "La Boheme".
OK, the thought of a wee baby Nilly in her Mother's lap having LHotP translate is the cutest thing ever.
Nilly gets all excited about something, "Ima! Ima" (that's 'mommy,' right?) and bounces and stuff as Laura rolls Nelly down a hill into the creek or something. And baby Nilly is annoyed that she and the bad guy have nearly the same name...
Well, maybe toddler Nilly. Six year old Nilly? Regardless, dead of teh cute.
Never pay retail
Alternative, free sources for NYT editorials (since the NYT adopted that TimesSelect thing starting on Monday).
Happy Birthday, Sophia!
I always thought Book!Almanzo was hotter than TV!Almanzo.
What would be the best food to grow? Something that would grow fast, be productive, have a large percentage of the plant be edible, etc. (Assuming that getting the seeds or dirt to grow it in would not be an issue.)
This is also a matter of what plants take the most care, what ones produce quickly and continue producing for long periods of the season, and where the building is.
If your office building is in Siberia, I recommend potatoes and onions grown in jars. Since it's an office, you've got climate control for all the stuff growin in windows, so it's not really temperature-limited, but sun-exposure. If you work in Phoenix, you can still grow avocado trees, as long as you water them like crazy.
Scola's right, that beans and bean sprouts will get you ahead on both nutrition and speed of availability. Peanut plants might also be a good idea, for a protein-source that keeps really well. (I presume you don't want to waste precious office-time canning beans.)
It looks like the FDA is reconsidering the appointment of a male veternarian as head of the Women's Health Office. [link]