My condolences to Polgara and her sister.
Someone earlier mentioned 1993 as being the year of "The Bodyguard" and it reminded me of our highschool performance of "Dark of the Moon" that I was stage manager for that year. These two things should not relate, but unfortunately our director got the bright idea that we should play Whitney's "I Will Always Love You" during the heroine's death scene, even though it was not only cheesy, but it didn't even make sense, as the hero forgets she even existed the instant after she dies. I had a heated arguement with the booth over the headset as the scene approached, begging them to not play it and just tell the director they had lost the CD or something. They played it anyway. It was lame.
After the show I had a ton of people come up to me and ask what the hell was up with playing that song and all I could say was it was the director's fault.
Wow. My deepest condolances, Polgara.
All morning, people have been doing my work before I get a chance to do it. Normally that might be a Yay!, but I'm bored.
I'm so very sorry, Polgara. Your mother must have been an amazing woman, and I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to her so soon.
Polgara, my deepest sympathies.
People are trying either to bore me to death or make me mentally chase after them like a demented squirrel.
msbelle, that turnover is nuts. They should probably have someone else make the final hiring decision next time, just to makes sure whoever did it the last 2 times doesn't just have a broken picker. Of course, it could also just be a run of crazies.
I just read a bit in ESPN's Page 2 letters column [link] that made me snorfle my drink:
One problem though -- I don't think any guy truly takes Kutcher or Prinze seriously, whereas when USA Today showed a photo of Love Hewitt pursing her lips and trying to look sexy at the "Ghost Whisperer" press junket recently, I showed it to the Sports Gal with the comment "Doesn't she look great?" Twenty seconds later, she was still dropping F-bombs. That's why I think CBS is missing such a golden opportunity with Hewitt's new show -- she should play the world's most successful fashion model/nuclear physicist and date a never-ending string of good-looking rich guys. Women would watch every week just so they could be furious about it. I'm telling you, this would work.
Polgara, I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say. You and your sister are in my thoughts.
Am I not supposed to be fond of "Stand"? I thought that would please you because I normally don't like REM.
What if I told you that my favorite Celtic album was the Riverdance soundtrack?