My favorite Flanderian moment was probably the computer game that Todd and Rodd were allowed to play where you shot people to convert them. If you only winged them, then they were Episcopalian.
Nope, Unitarian, aka The Only Denomination They Actively Pile On.
Bart: When I'm feeling low, you know what always cheers me up?
Todd: Is it love?
Rod: Kindness?
Bart: Ooh, tough room. Videogames! Whaddya got? [grabs a videogame off the shelf, and reads the title] "Billy Graham's Bible Blaster?"
Rod: Keep firing; convert the heathens!
[cut to a pixilated video screen. Heathens cross the street, as a Bible gun shoots the Holy Book at them. When a heathen gets hit, he turns into a conservatively dressed man with a halo]
[cut back to the boys]
Bart: Got him!
Rod: No, you just winged him and made him a Unitarian.
Todd: Look out, Bart! A gentle Baha'i!
[cut back to the video screen. A Baha'i, sitting cross-legged and wearing a turban, floats past. Bart zaps him, and turns him into another suit-wearing conservative]
[cut back to the boys]
Bart: All right! Full conversion! [puts his arms around Rod and Todd] Thanks guys, this really cheered me up.
Video: Second Coming! Reload, reload!